Chapter 10

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Samantha Jack’s secretary handed me a new staff ID card as I left his office. *Fin Corp.* The cold metal badge glinted in the sunlight streaming through the windows, feeling heavier than it looked. It was more than just a symbol of employment; it was a reminder of the bargain I had made, the lines I had crossed, and the role I now had to play. With a resigned sigh, I slipped it into my bag and headed for the exit. Outside, the city bustled around me, oblivious to the storm brewing inside my chest. The Uber arrived in minutes, and I slid into the back seat, my stomach tightening with each passing block. As we neared *Light Enterprises,* Louis’ territory, the knot in my chest twisted tighter. The sleek glass tower loomed ahead, casting a long shadow that felt like it was swallowing me whole. It had been days since I’d set foot here. Memories flashed in my mind: heated arguments, broken promises, the cold, detached look in Louis’ eyes as he betrayed me for Clara. My heart clenched, but I forced the thoughts away. *This isn’t about the past. You’re here for Jack. It’s business. Stay focused.* I stepped out of the car and approached the entrance, forcing my legs to move even though my body screamed to turn back. As I neared the door, two security guards moved forward, their expressions hardening as they recognized me. These were the same guards who had once greeted me with polite nods when I’d been Louis’ fiancée. Now, they looked at me like I was an unwelcome intruder. "Hey there, madam," one of them said, blocking my path. "I’m sorry, but you’re not allowed in." I didn’t bother wasting time arguing. Instead, I reached into my bag and pulled out the shiny *Fin Corp* ID, holding it up for them to see. Their eyes widened, the smug expressions melting into confusion. It felt like a small victory—a reminder that I wasn’t the same powerless woman they’d turned away last time. "Check it," I said coolly. "I’m on official business." They exchanged a glance before stepping aside, their faces still stunned. Without another word, I pushed past them and strode into the lobby. The air-conditioned coolness hit me like a slap, along with the familiar hum of the place—the clatter of heels on the marble floor, the murmur of business conversations, the sharp smell of espresso from the café near the elevators. It felt surreal to be back, like I was stepping into a memory I’d tried so hard to forget. But this wasn’t about nostalgia. I had a job to do, and the sooner I got out of here, the better. *In and out. Get the photos, leave.* That was the plan. No detours, no conversations with Louis that might drag me back into the past. I made my way to the elevator, my heels clicking in a steady rhythm against the floor. As the doors closed behind me, the quiet hum of the elevator seemed to amplify the pounding of my heart. By the time I reached the top floor—Louis’ office—I could feel my nerves buzzing under my skin. *You can do this. It’s just business.* I took a deep breath and knocked twice, the sound echoing ominously in the empty corridor. A brief pause, then Louis’ voice came from the other side—calm, measured, as if he hadn’t just turned my life upside down week's ago. "Come in." I hesitated, hand hovering over the doorknob for a fraction of a second. It felt like crossing into enemy territory—like stepping into a battlefield where I had once lost everything. But I couldn’t show weakness now. With a push, I opened the door and stepped inside. Louis stood by the massive window, his back turned to me, staring out at the city below. The sight of him made the room feel smaller, more suffocating. Even without seeing his face, I could feel the tension crackling in the air. It was almost suffocating. I forced myself to keep it professional. Clearing my throat, I said, “I’m here for the photos, sir. From *Fin Corp*.” Louis didn’t turn around. His voice was cold, detached. “They’re on the flash drive in front of you. Take it.” I glanced at the sleek desk in front of me, scanning for the flash drive. It sat near a pile of neatly stacked papers, as unassuming as any other office item. I moved to pick it up, eager to get out of there as quickly as possible, but just as my fingers were about to close around it, Louis’ voice cut through the silence like a blade. “Wait a minute…” His tone shifted, his words slower now, more deliberate. “That voice… it sounds familiar.” I froze, my hand hovering over the flash drive, dread pooling in my stomach. Slowly, Louis turned, and when our eyes met, a sickening wave of recognition washed over his face. His gaze locked onto mine, and I felt my pulse spike. “Samantha.” My name rolled off his tongue like a curse, and I had to fight the urge to shudder. I tore my eyes away from him, grabbing the flash drive quickly. *Stay calm. Don’t engage.* But before I could make my escape, Louis was on me. In a flash, he crossed the room, his hand gripping my arm with a force that made me wince. His touch sent a wave of disgust through me, and I yanked my arm back, but he didn’t let go. “Samantha, wait.” His voice was low, urgent. His grip tightened. “When Clara told me someone from her brother’s company was coming, I had no idea it would be you.” I tried to pull away, but Louis stepped closer, his breath hot against my skin. “I don’t care, Louis. Let me go. I’m here for work, nothing else.” “Work?” His laugh was harsh, bitter. “You expect me to believe that? How does someone like you get a job at *Fin Corp*? Did you screw your way in, Samantha? Is that what this is about? Are you one of Jack’s little toys now?” His words were like poison, each one slicing through me. But I refused to let him see the hurt. Instead, I met his gaze, my voice steady despite the rage bubbling inside me. “What I do is none of your business, Louis. Not anymore. I’m free to do whatever I want, with whoever I want. Now let me go.” But instead of loosening his grip, Louis’ expression darkened. His eyes burned with something dangerous, something I hadn’t seen in him before. “You’re not going anywhere, Samantha,” he growled, his hands moving to grip both my arms tighter. “Not until I’ve had my way with you. You’re mine, always have been.” Panic surged through me as his hands moved to tear at my clothes, the fabric ripping under his touch. My heart pounded, fear rising in my throat. I struggled, kicking against him, but he was stronger, driven by some twisted sense of ownership. *No, not again. This can’t be happening.* Just when I thought I was trapped, the door to the office burst open with a force that shook the walls. The sound of it made Louis freeze, his grip loosening just enough for me to break free and stumble backward. And then I heard the voice—strong, furious, and unmistakable. “Get your filthy hands off my woman.” I looked up, my breath catching in my throat. Jack stood in the doorway, his face a mask of rage, his eyes blazing as they locked onto Louis.

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