
725 Words

The days leading up to the fateful wedding date set by Deyonjay Stone were suffused with an oppressive weight that seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment. Within the confines of Deyonjay’s stronghold, Krissan Jarrett found herself ensnared in a labyrinth of conflicting emotions, strategic maneuvers, and the relentless preparations for an event she fiercely resisted. Every morning began with the meticulous routine of dressing in gowns of silk and lace, each fitting a reminder of the role she was to play—a bride bound not by choice but by coercion. The mirrors reflected a version of Krissan that felt alien to her—a facade of compliance masking the turmoil within. Her fingers traced the intricate embroidery, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and defiance, even as she outwardly

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