
The Alpha's Reflection

second chance
another world

Jackson returned home to his pack after the death of his identical twin brother, Tony. He had come to claim his birthright as the alpha of the pack. But that wasn’t the only reason for his return. It was for his brother’s Luna, Gabriella.

Gabriella had a lot of scars and pain in her heart that were there long before Tony’s death. And some of those scars came from his twin brother Jackson. Now she finds herself face to face with the man whose face mirrors that of her mate. The man who abandoned her and vanished from her life. Like a storm, Jackson blew back into her world, adding more to the chaos swirling inside of her. His predatory gaze was fixed upon her, but was there an ulterior motive? Magical mysteries were beginning to surface, all while they were at the brink of war. And somehow she was the center of it all!

Sometimes a reflection is just a mirage, and the truth lies somewhere in between what you see and what you don’t. For Gabriella, it would mean discovering the truth about the past ... and herself.

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Chapter 1
“Go back to bed. It’s early.” Tony watched as his mate Gabriella tiptoed down the stairs. “Did you get the snacks I packed for you?” She listened as he chuckled. “Yes, I have them.” “What about your coat?” “I don’t need a coat. I’m a lycan.” His voice was filled with mirth as she raised her brows up at him. “It might be chilly there.” “I’ll be just fine. Thank you for the snacks.” He walked up to his tired beauty and rubbed his hands over her shoulders. “You going to wear something special for our date tonight?” “Maybe.” She smiled up at him as he softly kissed the tip of her nose. “How’s your neck?” “Quit worrying about me. I’m fine.” She swatted at him playfully and he grabbed her hand softly in his. He placed feather-light kisses on her fingers as he gazed into her eyes. “It’s my job to worry about you. I love you, Gabby. I’d do anything just to make you smile. I’m nothing without you.” “You’re the Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, even without me.” She watched as he shook his head. “I am the alpha, the strength of the pack. But you, Gabby, you are the heart of the pack. You can survive without strength, but you can’t live without a heart. Without you, I wouldn’t be alive either.” He leaned in, his breath warm against her skin as he pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was passionate and full of love, each movement conveying the depth of his feelings for her. A sense of security and warmth washed over her as they melted into each other, lost in the moment. His hands gently cradled her face, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. Time seemed to stand still as they shared this intimate exchange. He swayed with her to music that wasn’t playing. “I’ll miss you. Give the kids a kiss for me when they wake up.” “I will.” He kissed her lips softly once more as their front door opened. “I have to go. Go back to bed and sleep a bit longer. I’ll see you tonight for our special date. I bought silky boxers just for the occasion.” “I can’t wait.” “Neither can I.” He kissed her forehead, and she gave him one last soft hug. “Be safe. I love you.” She watched as his eyes lit up and a wide grin spread across his lips. “I love you.” *** “Jace, is he back yet?” Gabriella yelled as she bounded down the stairs. A tall, broad, muscular man stepped around the corner and shook his head. “Not yet. I’m sure he’ll be back soon. He wouldn’t miss your date night.” Jace smirked as he watched her putting her earrings in. He was her personal guard but was different from the rest of the pack. Most of the pack consisted of lycans, werewolves, and mixes. He was a werebear. At first, he was a hired hand, meant to be extra protection for the new luna of the pack, but that was five years ago. He was now an adopted member of the pack and guarded Gabby as his official duty. “The kids are finally asleep, and it will be easy to sneak away for the night.” Gabriella pulled the curtain to the side as she looked out the window. Her mate, Tony, had to visit a neighboring pack today. They were having a multi-pack meeting about the current war. Vampires and werewolves weren’t at war, but the rogues on both sides caused trouble. The rogues had united and created a powerful opposition. It had been like this for five years now. Jackson, Tony’s identical twin, was at the front lines of the war, leading the army against the rogues. They hadn’t seen him since he left. It was the day she found out Tony was her mate. She had been dating Jackson at the time … Gabriella shook her head, pushing the memories of the past away. It was a confusing time, but she loved Tony now. They were perfect together and had two beautiful children. He was a wonderful alpha, an amazing father, and the most caring mate. A small smile rested on her face as she turned to look at Jace. “Do you think he will like my dress? I managed to keep it hidden.” “You looked radiant in it. I don’t think he’ll make it through the evening without wanting to ravish you early.” Gabriella’s carefree laughter turned into agonizing screams as searing pain ripped through her body. She fell to the ground in a crumpled heap, feeling like her insides were being devoured by liquid fire that left nothing but charred remains behind. Every nerve ending in her body was alight with excruciating torment, and she could do nothing but writhe in agony as the flames consumed her from within. “Gabby!” Jace’s heart slammed against his chest as he raced to her side, scooping her up with trembling hands. He carried her to the couch, her body limp and shaking in his arms. Tears streamed down her cheeks, leaving wet trails on her face as she clung to him desperately, seeking comfort from the chaos inside of her. She buried her face into his chest, soaking his shirt with her tears as she trembled with fear and grief. “Oh gods—Tony!” A guttural scream ripped from her throat as her body convulsed in unimaginable agony. The crushing weight on her chest tightened until each breath was a struggle. “Tony!” Her voice cracked with desperation, knowing that the gradual disconnection could only mean one thing—something terrible had happened to her mate. Tears streamed down her face as she pleaded, “Please, please don’t take him from me!” Her heart felt like it was being ripped apart as she prayed for his safety, her entire being consumed by fear and anguish. The physical pain … the emotional pain … darkness descended upon her, engulfing her in a suffocating void of despair. *** Gabriella pressed her forehead against the cool glass of the window, watching as raindrops pelted down in a relentless rhythm. It had been months since she felt the pain of losing him; months since she found out that her mate, her Tony, had been taken from her by violence and betrayal. They were returning home when they were ambushed, their peaceful journey shattered by vicious attackers. The pack lost many brave soldiers that day, and among them, the alpha who had led them with strength and wisdom ... her beloved Tony. The memory tore at her heart like a sharp claw, leaving behind an ache that never seemed to fade. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of emptiness and longing as she thought of him, wishing he was still by her side. The once-unified pack now lay in disarray, their strong alpha taken from them too soon. The weight of responsibility now fell upon her shoulders as she stepped into the role of leader. She had sent word to Jackson, the alpha’s brother, about the tragic news, but his response never came. The emptiness in her heart was mirrored by the empty space at her side where her mate should have stood. The howling winds seemed to mourn along with the pack for their beloved alpha. And yet, amidst the grief and chaos, she knew she must lead them forward, for it was what he would have wanted. “Momma!” She heard her son, Oliver, yell from downstairs. With a deep breath, she gathered herself. She walked down the hall and looked over the banister. “What is it?” “Mia has my toy, and Trudy won’t make her give it back!” Oliver growled as Gabriella made her way down the stairs. Trudy was their nanny. She stepped in to help now that Gabriella was handling pack duties. “Sweetie, Mia is only two. You are two years older than her and have to be my big boy.” She heard the main door open behind her and then Oliver squeal loudly. “Daddy!” He ran to the man as Gabriella turned to look at him in shock. Mia was holding her hands up expectantly. But this man was not their father. Even though they were identical, she could always tell them apart. Their scents were slightly different as well. His eyes met with hers, and for a moment it was like nothing had changed. She knew him and remembered him well. It was because of him that she wasn’t the best mate she should have been to Tony ... because Jackson had always existed in her heart. The day she and Tony found out they were mates, the two brothers went to talk. That was the last time she saw Jackson. He never returned. The damn fool just left, thinking he had no chance with the mate bond, but it wasn’t true. She wanted him. She needed him. It took her a long time to accept Tony. It was a rough start for them, but he was gentle and kind to her. He patiently loved her and supported her, even when she was cruel to him. Love came slowly with Tony, like a gentle breeze. But it wasn’t like that with Jackson. Jackson was a raging tempest that claimed her heart and ignited flames she never felt again. Fated mate or not, Jackson was the man who captured her heart. “Olly, Mia, that isn’t—” She began to say as he bent down, lifting both kids up in his arms. His hair was longer than before, he had more stubble on his face that looked taut and tired, but his scent hadn’t changed. The smell of cinnamon with a hint of honey. While Tony was cinnamon with a hint of clove. “Hey there, kiddos. I’m your Uncle Jackson.” He smiled at the two children as the little girl kept chanting daddy happily, while Oliver looked over his face with discernment. “I didn’t know if you had gotten my letter.” Gabriella pursed her lips together as she tried to bury the feelings stirring inside of her. It was wrong. She had only lost her mate a few months ago, but when she saw him, her heart skipped a beat. Nothing could compare to him. Even her s*x life suffered because of her memories of being with Jackson. “Sorry it took me so long to come home. I had to find a new leader to take over. There was a lot to overhaul.” His amber eyes studied her for a moment before he placed the children back down on the ground. Mia happily scampered off while Oliver shuffled his feet away in confusion. “I’ll take the children upstairs to play.” Trudy grabbed the two children’s hands and took them up the stairs. It had just stopped raining but would be too wet to play outside. In either case, she needed to take the children to another room. She figured they had a lot to talk about, and some of it wouldn’t be for children’s ears. “You look beautiful. Maybe a bit tired, though. How are you, Ella?” His nickname for her brought an instant smile to her face. He was the only one who called her that. “I’ve been keeping up with the books and documents. It was a learning process, but everything is being maintained and—” “No, Ella, I didn’t ask how the pack was. I asked how you’re doing.” She wasn’t sure how to answer. She was a lot of things right now. Her senses were heightened, and the memories of him played in her mind. “I’m ... overwhelmed,” she admitted quietly. “Gabby!” Jace charged into the room, taking a protective stance between her and Jackson. “Jace, this is Jackson. Tony’s brother. I trust him with my life. There’s no need to be defensive.” She moved in front of Jace and nodded her head. “Did you finish the orders for today? I need that shipment to come in as soon as possible. I insist we start the new training regimens as soon as possible.” “Who is this guy?” Jackson eyed the stranger. He had never met him but could tell he wasn’t a lycan or a werewolf. “This is Jace. He’s a werebear. Your brother hired him five years ago to be my guard. Since then, he’s been adopted into the pack.” “Isn’t that the delta’s job?” Jackson continued to eye the werebear with suspicion. Gabriella got quiet and pursed her lips together. “Usually it is, but there were some problems in the beginning. Tony wanted me to be guarded all the time, and the delta can’t do that. So, this worked out better.” The truth was, she had wanted nothing to do with the officers or being their luna. The position was forced on her. That was the one thing Tony had done to her that she never truly forgave. Things worked out in the end, but it took a long time for that wound to heal. “Jace, those orders?” She watched as he sighed. “I’ll do it now, Luna ... or are you the luna now? If Jackson has returned as the alpha—” “That isn’t your business.” Jackson’s cool voice was crisp and laced with agitation. “Jackson, I’ll show you to your room.” Gabriella turned away and walked up the stairs. She didn’t think about what would happen once Jackson came back. She didn’t even know he was coming back. If she was no longer the luna, then it was inappropriate for her to remain in the pack house. They would have to have an alpha ceremony to make it official, but it looked like things were about to change. She could hear Jackson stomping behind her as they went up the stairs and down the hall. “Here it is. Everything was kept the way you left it.” She walked inside and flipped on the light. She heard the sound of the door closing and she turned to look at him. She watched as his nose lifted in the air. His forehead skin creased up as he walked over to his bed. He grabbed a pillow and inhaled before turning a sharp eye on her. “You’ve been sleeping in here?” Her eyes widened, but she could only nod her head. She had been caught. “Using my scent to comfort you as my brother’s?” There was minor agitation in his voice, and she felt her fingers curl into her skin. “There are fresher things in the house with your brother’s scent. It still lingers heavy in his office.” She turned her head away from him. “I told you before ... you and your brother smell different. It isn’t the same scent.” “I’m sure it’s hard to sleep in the same room you two used to share,” he added quietly, looking back at his bed. “No, I—” She stopped, not sure if she wanted to continue. How could she tell him she sometimes slept in his room even before Tony died? She shook her head. “Five years and you couldn’t find time to visit?” She decided to turn the tables on him. She glared at him angrily. Not only did she miss him, but Tony did as well. He talked about his brother all the time and she could see how guilty he felt about him leaving. “I didn’t want to visit.” His voice was terse and void of emotions. “I didn’t even get a goodbye! I didn’t even get a note! Not even a damn call on the phone. Nothing! You disappeared. You vanished. You have no idea—” “You found your mate!” he growled, his amber eyes glowing at her. “I had already found my mate, and you left me without giving me a choice.” “Like you would have turned down your fated mate. I was barely out of your bed, and he marked you,” he snarled. Her eyes watered with hurt, and she turned her head away from him. “I see. So that’s how little faith you had in me.” He had no idea what happened. He knew nothing of the hell she went through. He just assumed everything was great. He put an incomplete puzzle together and called it finished. But he was missing major pieces. “He marked you only a week after I left. Right?” She snorted air through her nose as bitter tears welled up in her eyes. “Yeah, I guess that would be the only detail you’d care about.” She turned to walk to the door. The moment her hand touched the doorknob, his hand encompassed hers. He spun her around, his golden eyes now dark and fixated on her. “He’s gone now, and I won’t see you with another man. You can get that werebear out of your mind!” he growled as his hand pressed her firmly against him. “Jace?! What are you talking about?” “I don’t like the way he looks at you. You are not his to look at.” She rolled herself away from him and grabbed the door, opening it slightly. “I am no one’s right now. And—” “Alpha, the soldiers are ready for you,” the beta Kayden yelled up the stairs. “I’ll be there in a few moments,” Jackson replied in a dangerous tone. His eyes looked wild as they roamed over Gabriella. Alpha. Already the pack had their new alpha, even without the official ceremony. It was his birthright, and the title should be his. But what did this mean for her and her family? In either case, she couldn’t stay in the alpha room anymore. It wouldn’t be right. “Luna.” Jackson reached his hand out and pushed the door shut. He tilted her chin up to him. She gave him a small smile. “I’m not the luna anymore.” He bent his head down, his nose tracing over her cheek with a low hum of a growl. Her body instantly heated in response as her chest rose with a heavy breath. He was so close, and damn, she wanted him. She wanted to taste him. “You want me. I can smell it.” He nipped her ear, trailing kisses up to her lips. “Ella ...” He singed her lips with his heat. “I—” She couldn’t even get a word out. The moment she opened her mouth he plunged his tongue into her. Growling and attacking her tongue, igniting the fire that only he could. Her fingers tangled in his hair as his hands roamed over her body. It was as if nothing had changed, and yet so much had. Still, she knew his body. It wasn’t the same as Tony’s. It never felt the same with him. His kisses weren’t the same. His touch wasn’t the same. And the s*x was worlds apart. Gods, she wanted him. She arched her chest into his hand as it moved up her shirt. The heat of his palm seared through the thin fabric of her bra. Suddenly, he halted. He growled and then pressed a hard and unforgiving kiss against her. “I have to go. I need to assert myself to the soldiers for leadership. I’ll be getting sworn in as the official alpha soon.” He peppered kisses around her lips. “We’ll continue this tonight.” He lightly kissed her eyelids before he slid around her, leaving her there, frustrated and bewildered. Tonight? They were going to continue what tonight? Where exactly did he think this was leading? Okay, she knew exactly where it was going, but then what? What did this mean? That they were sexually attracted to each other. Her feelings for him were real. Were his? If he truly loved her, how did he leave her? She couldn’t deny the hunger her body was feeling for him. She had been dreaming about being in his arms again, and here he was ... here and ready to hold her again. It had been five years since the last time they were together. So much and yet so little had changed. This morning, it was like she had stepped into a new world. She moved out into the hall and sighed. She had things she needed to do today. ~*~ The Alpha's Reflection is updating twice a week on i.n.k.i.t.t.

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