The Bonds Of The Young, The Old, And The Restless...

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Chapter Seven: The Bonds of The Young, The Old, And The Restless... NICHOLAS Mondays are always the longest and today was no exception. Though I was pleased by my impromptu mid-morning Council meeting with Tarka, who ended up kindly requesting to extend his stay through the weekend and gave us the much appreciated news that Alpha Raahi may soon be turning the reins over to Tiberius—Raahi’s son impressing me greatly during a surprise visit by him and the soon-to-be Alpha Kai to my Council office, relaying their plans for a more amiable future leadership of Red Tailed and Contenta Moon. However, my next scheduled meeting was one I had been looking forward to—making sure I had all of Tink’s favored snacks on the round table in the corner of my office when I heard a knock on my door, surprised when I looked up to see that Alastor had made an unexpected return... His expression appearing a bit perplexed, I curiously asked if everything was alright, to which my old friend worriedly replied, “I know there are plans to keep him busy, Nicholas, and that he has taken great advantage of my rising role as of late. But I can’t help but be a little concerned about Father’s retirement. Being Alpha is all he’s known for over forty years.” I could see him fighting with his emotions as Alastor swallowed hard and hear it in his voice as he hesitantly forced out, “Let’s face it, Nicholas. My parents are of the age that—well—it’s taken us so long to get to the place we are now, and I can’t help but worry that I will lose it—lose them—sooner than I want to think about once they are relegated to their new non-leadership roles. I know this is going to sound selfish considering several of the children born into our family will be like me and never know their grandparents, but I want the opportunity to build memories with my parents as we are now and, most importantly, I want mine and Vivian’s children to know them, love them, and have as many memories as possible with their grandparents.” “That is not selfish, nor is it silly, Alastor,” I compassionately responded, walking towards him as I fervently admitted, “Your wishes and your fears are founded and understandable. Truthfully, I worry about Lorenzo and Uncle Soren when they retire, which is why I plan to keep them and Priscilla and Aunt Alta busy and feeling of great use—for all of our children to know, love, and build memories with. And I’m counting on your assistance with that.” Nodding in agreement, he appreciatively exhaled out in a hastened breath, “Thank you for allowing me to vent for a moment, Nicholas. And I hope I can count on you to help me navigate through my new Alpha role. Vivvy has been incredible, but there will be certain instances where I may seek guidance from my most respected and dearest of friends—and possibly one other—something I would like to discuss with you further following your meeting with Tink.” Smiling, I extended out my hand, warmly returning, “I am always at your disposal for whatever you need and, together, we will keep our elders feeling young, hopefully enabling us to keep them around for some time to come.” Laughing, he took firm hold of my hand, shaking it as Tink entered the room, peering down at our joined hands warily before sarcastically greeting, “Alright, you two—fess up. What kind of deal have you made now? Better not be something that will make me even more ticked off that I’m sidelined for the time being. I’m already a fifty-pound heavier ball of stir-crazy.” “Do not worry, my beloved former Beta,” Alastor cordially replied, taking two long strides before enveloping her in his tall, formidable frame, “We’re simply making plans to keep our elders busy in their twilight years so they can enjoy the entertainment of the young. Especially your quad, who I personally hope are like their mother, keeping us all entertained and on our toes.” Directly after, he took a step back, letting out a boisterous laugh, “Well, it appears at least one is like you. That was one hell of a kick!” Grinning wickedly, she laughingly retorted, “That was a ‘you can count on it’ from my little dominator, Titan. I think he likes you, Casanova! If Nicholas doesn’t mind, maybe you can stick around for a few more minutes. The Roly Polies put on quite the show these days. A little early entertainment if you’re interested.” Knowing that Vivian was with Madeline outlining initial plans for our new she-wolf program, I encouraged Alastor to join us for a little while. Both of us soon left in awe at Tink’s ability to already keep her children in line as each of her little ones took turns rolling across her belly just as she instructed. Titus was last, amazing us further when his chunky hand slowly pushed up through her shirt—unlike the overly active movements of his siblings—his fingers clearly seen even through the thick material. The sweet reluctance in the action reminded me of his intensely shy father when we were children... After asking if it was alright, receiving a proud smile and nod in return, Alastor carefully brought his finger up to press against Titus’ little hand, excitedly murmuring under his breath, “Well, how do you like that! It almost feels like Titus is trying to grab hold of it. What an amazing feeling!” “Right? Pretty cool, huh?” Tink elatedly gushed, “Looks like both my boys already adore their Uncle Alastor. Unfortunately, since they always go nuts in my stomach during these meetings, I think Larissa and Liora have already given their hearts to their Uncle Nic, but I bet once they meet you, you can give him a run for his money. Plus, I’ll remind them that you made me a Beta. As Auntie always says, sharing is caring. Best to start early as I will be dealing with multiple El Destructos of bones and blubber. Not to mention, they’ve got me in them and, as I’m sure you remember, I wasn’t exactly known to be the sharing type growing up.” Laughing, Alastor grinned, “Thank you, Tink. For that and for allowing me to attend your meeting with Nicholas. It’s made my day seeing what a remarkable mother you are going to be and, in truth, already are.” “Thanks, Casanova,” Tink delightedly replied, “You may have to start joining our meetings more often. I get the feeling I’m going to need all the reassurance I can get. And Nicholas and I can probably both benefit from your keen planning skills to make sure Crescent Moon doesn’t go down in flames with our impending brood!” ************** MADELINE Running down the hallway towards Nicholas’ office, I didn’t even knock when I burst through the door, inadvertently startling him so badly that he jumped straight up out of his chair, which only made me giggle more as I swiftly got to his side and took his hand, unrelenting in my hold as I placed it on top of my stomach, my Alpha worriedly spilling out— “Madeline, what’s wrong? Is everything al—" Looking down, I excitedly blurted out my interruption, “Alright, I’ve finally made it to Daddy. Though now that I’m thinking about it, asking for your Lovey or Aunt Raven’s assistance might have been a better idea. But, regardless, come on—give us one of those hard kicks you’ve been incessantly giving Mommy for the last few minutes.” Completely taken aback, my Alpha brokenly—and adorably—exhaled out in a sharp, shocked breath, “Th—they kicked hard enough that—you think I will be able to feel it?” He received his answer in the form of a quick punch to his palm—the most stunning of white smiles crossing his face as Nicholas lit up, his mouth gaped open, eyes ecstatic as he joined in my overwhelming glee, “I felt it, Madeline! I FELT THE BABY KICK! I wonder which one—” Suddenly, to the great shock of us both, two repetitive shots were made by our pinkies and thumbs, leading me to laugh out, “Both were strong, but did you feel the slight differences? That was Alaric and Adara! Isn’t it wonderful, Nicholas? You can finally feel them!” His reaction brought a warmth to my heart like nothing I’d ever known. Kneeling down, Nicholas’ hand moved to my hip, the other one coming up just on the other side before my Alpha placed sweet kisses where the kicks had just occurred. Peering up at me while weaving his arms around my waist, Nicholas then pulled me towards him, his chin coming to rest on my stomach as he endearingly murmured, “The heart attack was totally worth it and I am yours for eternity, but especially right now as the rest of my afternoon is yours. I love you, Madeline.” Laughing out loud, I amusingly countered, “I refuse to give you and Zayden heart attacks today. How about a compromise? I’ll help you finish up your work and then we can enjoy the rest of our day together—after we bring your mother and Auntie down for a few minutes?” Standing back up, Nicholas laughingly agreed, Aruna and Auntie appearing in the office just as he leaned down to tenderly peck my lips— A humored hum echoing out around us, Auntie softly chortled, “Seems our little loves have provided their parents a very special moment, Aruna.” Breaking away from my overjoyed mate, I rushed towards them, elated as I watched Aruna’s eyes light up when the children outwardly greeted their grandmother as Auntie knowingly informed me, “Contrary to your initial thoughts, it was Adara who made the first move and is the little powerhouse on top. Seems Alaric already has a soft spot for his sister, allowing her to take the lead. But as you felt, they are both very strong and while they will always lean on one another greatly, the two future Alphas will each take their respective leadership roles very seriously and make them their own. Especially Alaric, who, much like his father, will thrive in multiple roles.” I loved it when Auntie gave us little tidbits like that, my heart swelling as she took her turn with Alaric and Adara, giggling as my son suddenly took the lead, “Seems Alaric already has a soft spot for you too, Auntie—and a soft touch. That tickled.” My eyes widened as her stomach lit up in a soft green hue, a tiny stream extending out to snake around her left arm, slowly working its way down until it reached her fingertips—a second stream soon following, intertwining with the other as she warmly smiled, “While we will share a special bond, that gentle touch was for Rhiannon and Rani, encouraging them to join in on the fun." Her right hand resting on top, she lovingly urged, “You’ve shown great patience, Adara, but now it’s time to give Lovey one of those formidable kicks so your father can finish his work and spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying time with his dynamic duo and their beautiful mother.” The door opened as Adara immediately responded with a hard thrust. Peering around the room, Zayden nervously acknowledged, “Why do I get the feeling I’m in for a very long afternoon of extending deadlines?” Smirking up at me, Auntie whisked her hand out towards the table to bring several platters forth, “Zayden, my darling! As always, your timing is perfect! I’ve brought some lunch for you four to enjoy while Nicholas finishes up the work that needs to be completed before our Alphas call it a day.” My mouth wasn’t the only one watering as our Council liaison eyed the large spread, “Thank you for that assurance, Auntie. Do I smell that awesome cheese bread and the apple dumplings that completely puts my mother’s dumplings to shame and has her dying to get a hold of the recipe?” “Yes—Horacio’s request. I’m on my way to Spirit Walker to take him some for lunch and thought I would bring some for all of you as well,” Auntie pleasantly returned as the streams of green slowly—and seemingly reluctantly—snaked their way back down from whence they came before the green fully dissipated, her hand moving down to comfortingly lay upon her stomach. Hurriedly walking over, Zayden kissed her cheek, adoringly murmuring afterwards, “Thanks for the food and the assurance, Auntie. You’re one in a million!” I kissed her cheek following a soft laugh after she encouragingly replied, “A feeling I’m sure will be shared with your appreciative Alphas and Aruna as you enjoy a lovely lunch together.” Nicholas went around the desk to hug Auntie tightly before she left for Spirit Walker, leaving us with the perfect opportunity to show Zayden the appreciation she spoke of—and saw in her visions—our beloved Auntie just as Zayden had earlier described—one in a million! *************** REMI Finishing my training session with Aunt Persephone, Aunt Reina, and Pacha, who I liked tremendously, greatly appreciating his offer to join our Sassy aunts in helping me master a few new healing skills, I requested that they pop me back into mine and Zayden’s room after receiving an urgent link to meet him there... Zayden was furiously pacing across our floor when I appeared, stopping mid-step with a bewildered look on his face, leading me to dishearteningly sigh, “Uh-oh—extensions had to be made again, didn’t they? I know it’s driving you crazy, Zayden, but I promise, it’s all going to be okay. Like we’ve talked about before, this is a special time for Madeline and—" He didn’t let me finish—instead, he swooped me up into his arms, excitedly babbling out as he bounced me up and down mid-air, “I know it’s all going to be okay, my Remi! I got a promotion, a new title, a big raise, two very intriguing new side jobs, and I am officially on the front-line team with you, Zayn, and Jade starting next practice!” Throwing my arms around his neck, I elatedly sang out, “REALLY? Oh, Zayden, that’s wonderful! I’m so proud of you!” The passionate kiss I received the moment I dropped my head back took my breath away, giving my brainy, brawny, sweet mate plenty of time to animatedly explain that Nicholas, Madeline, and Aruna had expanded my Zayden’s role as Court Liaison that included a brand new title—the first Crescent Moon Counsel! Moving forward, Zayden now had the authority to act on Nicholas’ behalf, discussing certain matters pertaining to Crescent Moon with our Alpha and executing Nicholas’ wishes—even signing documents when necessary—lessening the workload a little for them both. An idea that surprisingly was Alastor’s, who stopped by during a lunch Auntie had prepared, with two more offers that had Zayden bursting at the seams with excitement. A dual Counsel role and a consultant position, assisting Alastor with the more intricate legal matters as needed when he ascended to his Alpha role at Spirit Walker, as well as working as a representative of the integrated army—something my vastly knowledgeable and experienced mate would be excellent at... Smiling brightly, I lightheartedly teased, “Sounds like you and I need to use your incredible organizational talents to work on a schedule or all I’ll have is this. Little stolen moments with my Zayden.” Leaning down, he amorously murmured against my lips, “Not true and you know it. I'm nothing without my Remi. So, if it ever comes to that point—not that it will, thanks to those organizational talents—I’ll prioritize and cut back on my other various duties. You will always come first, Remi-girl.” Through my wide beam, I elatedly blew out, “Just the answer I wanted to hear!” Strengthening his muscle-bound hold around my body, Zayden took a few steps towards our bed, frolicsomely suggesting, “So, as luck would have it, I was able to wrap my day up early too. Care to have a stolen moment or two here before going to Mom and Dad’s to see more good news delivered? Maybe even some of our own if you agree with my idea—to be discussed after I show you how much I love and adore you and you tell me how your training went?” Running my hand through his short brown hair before gliding it across his broad left shoulder, I lightly pressed my lips against his, my words softly vibrating against them, “There is nothing I would love more, Counsel Zayden.” *************** HORACIO My desire to have my Queen all to myself instead of being gawked at by my men had us sitting on a blanket under the large oak tree by the pond where Tati had spent many afternoons with Soloman. My favorite foods, the perfect views of Spirit Walker and my pint-sized pixie, who was in my lap, leisurely lying against my chest—all of it bringing the King of Fury a happiness and contentment that I now lived for... Clapping her hands in front of her face, Tati sounded the same as she broke into my thoughts, elatedly murmuring, “Oh, look at how happy Zayden is, Horacio! All the stress is gone from our newly appointed Crescent Moon Counsel.” Smiling as she replayed Zayden’s reaction and ecstatic agreement to all the propositions laid out before him in Nicholas’ office, I admiringly stated, “I have to give Alastor credit and I’m sure Lorenzo will too, as it’s been a source of frustration for him many times over the years. Securing Zayden’s services as a consultant on legal matters is the smartest move that he’s made yet in preparing to take over as Spirit Walker Alpha. That kid is a genius and knows the ins and outs and all that legal jargon better than anyone I’ve ever known. I don’t know how much Alastor is paying him, but whatever it is? It’s worth it.” “Agreed. And it will be good for Crescent Moon and our Alpha as well. The perfect solution—allowing Nicholas and Madeline a little more time together to enjoy their pregnancy while also not driving our dedicated and disciplined Zayden to the brink of insanity.” Flashing a knowing grin, I returned, “Which, in turn, helps Gavin. We Betas always end up getting the earful about whatever displeasure has been caused by our Alpha’s actions.” Suddenly remembering my dream of spending time with the girls here, I grazed my fingers across her stomach, wistfully wondering out loud, “The girls have been pretty quiet. I was glad to see them interact with Alaric earlier in that vision you shared. Are you sure they’re doing alright?” Caressing my cheek, Tati lovingly asserted, “They’re fine, Horacio. They are simply going through a growth spurt that has them resting a bit more. Fulfilling their father’s wishes to plump their mother up a bit.” Inquiring as to how big she thought they were now, Tati stated that the girls were probably as big as a strawberry—something that blew my mind, figuring they each would at least be the size of an orange by now—before reminding me that we had an upcoming ultrasound with Bertrand and Talon next week, news that brought forth a renewed enthusiasm to my heart... As our time together was drawing to an end, I promised that I would finish up work as quickly as I could in order to meet her at Zahlia and Zixin’s house late this afternoon—a surprise visit that also enlivened my mood—but not enough to want to let my Fairy Queen go just yet, capturing her lips to relish in their feel as we kissed tenderly beneath the shade of thick green leaf-covered branches... **************** ORALIA Appreciating her company as Josie and I finished up lunch, I found myself dreading the young girl taking her leave, leading me to make a spontaneous offer that came as a surprise to us both— “You know—the room down the hall from mine and Igor’s is much larger than your current living quarters. Why don’t we go take a look at it before you leave?” Dumbfounded, Josie fell back in the chair, “You want me to move in—here?” Worried I had overstepped in my lonely state, I backtracked, waving my fork in the air, brushing off, “I apologize, my dear. I don’t know what I was thinking—I’m sure you—” Flinging both her hands forward to cover mine, Josie emphatically interrupted, “Oralia—until Arturo and you—all I’ve ever known is being alone in this world. The faith you have shown in me. The time you have taken to teach me, guide me, inspire me, and most importantly—empower me. I don’t care if the room is a closet. There is nothing that would make me happier than to have the opportunity to spend more time with you.” For a fleeting moment during her impassioned speech, Maxim’s face appeared before me instead of Josie’s, my heart still wishing those same words would have been spoken—felt by the boy I saved from the fate of being an orphan—infuriated that it had not. However, my vision quickly cleared, and I responded with glee, “You, my dear, sweet Josie, have made me so very happy just now. I will have all your things brought over before you and the girls return this evening and have the cook make us a nice dinner to enjoy before we settle you in. I may even have a few more little surprises waiting for you as well. How does that sound?” I let out a pleasured laugh as she threw her arms around my neck, her long, blonde hair flying all around me as she gushed, “Thank you so much, Oralia. Oh, I’m so excited!” “As am I, dear one,” I lovingly breathed out, “Now, gather our girls and wait for me in the dining hall, please. I wish for you to take on more of a managerial role moving forward, so I will be reminding them of the recent lessons taught on Romulus’ ship before informing our little paramours that they will need to step up their efforts to meet the required quota.” I laughed as Josie elatedly bounded out the door, sadness creeping back in as the door closed and I was once again—alone. Linking Odol, one of the few Blood Horizon warriors I had left, I gave my order for Josie’s things to be brought to my large, hollowed areas of the underground caverns before instructing him to pass along my other orders to those that served my every desire and need— My every desire and need—the words repeating themselves in my mind as I got up from the table to spend a little time with Igor before the deliveries I had requested began—if only they could truly be met—if only I hadn’t been betrayed... Betrayal—the one thing I would no longer tolerate was the next thought that came to mind as I opened the door to our room and my eyes took in the sight of my husband, who looked so peaceful, something I was definitely not and wouldn’t be until his return... Slowly shutting the door behind me, I warmly smiled, “I have some new ideas, Igor. Ones that I think you will enjoy hearing about even more than my wonderful news about Josie. Plans that I will meticulously put together so there will be no room for error when we make Maxim pay for his choice to side with The Council and the Fairy Queen, costing us—his own mother—and those who so viciously lost their lives everything!”
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