The Woman Behind The Man...

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Chapter Nineteen: The Woman Behind The Man... CARSON Nearing the lake house, I was greeted by the sounds of Charlotte softly singing on the deck that overlooked the water. Her back was to me as she came into view, long blonde curls bouncing across the back of her light blue layered shift dress as Lottie scurried around the table full of candles and food... There was never a moment when I wasn’t in awe of my gorgeous mate’s beauty. And now was no different as I called out in enamored wonder, “Hey ya, gorgeous. Not that I would ever pass up a romantic dinner with you, but I thought you were supposed to be resting for me.” Turning to beam at me, she blissfully sang out, “Other than making sure the place settings are perfect, I haven’t done much. Zahlia was kind enough to prepare and help me set up a little private celebration of our pregnancy. Plus, we do have to eat and, for once—I’m starving. Completely famished, in fact—which is why her creamy ricotta and spinach ravioli may be missing a piece—or four—and a half. It’s so good!” Laughing as I walked onto the deck and took Lottie into my arms, a tender kiss was given before I replied, “If you like it that much, maybe we should see if she can make another batch for our visit with the folks.” Giggling, she informed me that the request had already been made before urging me to sit down to eat, which I did, enjoying the ravioli tremendously, but loving the sight of Lottie enthusiastically digging in more than anything. In fact, watching her was my favorite part—leaving my heart feeling so incredibly full... And with that, my worries dissipated dramatically, no longer focusing on waiting for the other shoe to drop, simply enjoying our romantic dinner and everything that I had to look forward to—our wedding, our pregnancy—and every beautiful memory that I was going to be afforded watching Cyrus grow up. Those thoughts of my son brought forth the return of my jovial, fun-loving spirit... Picking up a ravioli with my fork, I held it up in the air, excitedly informing her before popping it in my mouth, “So, I’ve been thinking about your sister’s plans for her little Roly Poly army. In particular—Titan. You know, just in case Jace turns out to be the favored uncle.” A gleam filled her widening light blue gaze as Charlotte eagerly breathed out, “I’ve been thinking about it too! About how awesome it would be if Cyrus and Titan were—” I was elated as we both sang out in unison, “Best buddies!” Our synced minds caused me to almost choke on the stuffed pasta as I forcibly swallowed it before bringing my fists up in the air, shaking them victoriously, chortling out, “YES! That’s my girl! Our battle against the Dark One lies in the close-knit bonds between father, son—and cousins! Though, my plans are for all six boys to be best buds—Cyrus, Titan, Titus, Julien, Jax, and Jasper—the Mystic Six. Strength in numbers, right?” “Oh, I like where this is going!” Charlotte animatedly gushed, scooting her chair—and plate—closer to me, leaning in to urge in a whisper, “Tell me more about our master plans to deliver the Dark One the most unexpected of defeats, Chatterbox!” ***************** PACHA I was exhausted, retiring to bed early for the night. But sleep was evading me as the memory of our last meeting with Romulus took place—the day that the people who brought my Iggy into this world—self-preserving and undeserving of her or not—were killed right in front of her... Mi Novia had come so far, finally releasing the pain and torture that had haunted her. How was I going to tell her that the threat she feared most appeared in Tatiana’s mind to be making a return? Even if this time, there was an enormous army—people who had quickly become part of our familia in our hearts—behind us to hopefully provide a sound, final defeat of the warlock who had instilled so much fear that night that nightmares plagued Iggy for years afterwards... “It’s going to be alright, Te Amo,” Esma softly broke in, her bare arm coming up to gently lay across my chest, “We have the powers of Firebird Phoenix and if things happen quicker than we hope, the Fairy Queen’s wisdom and guidance on our side to help us soundly defeat Romulus.” Rubbing my hand up and down her thin arm, I stoically returned, “I’m meeting with Talon tomorrow morning to take a look at some journals his grandmother wrote in her study of black magic if you would like to join me. Hopefully, we will find some help in them to end this once and for all.” “I will follow you anywhere, Mi Amor—always,” Esma dedicatedly whispered in the most loving of tones, “And together with Ryker, we will make sure Iggy’s current happiness stays intact.” Forcing out the air that was being held hostage in my tense chest, I earnestly replied, “I hope so, Esma.” Not wanting—or ready—to discuss my other fear with her yet, my thoughts slowly churned towards my son—Sacha. What if Romulus had seen that he too had the magic of white light? That Sacha was the future El Corazon? Worse yet, had he already seen it? Were both my children’s lives in peril? If only I knew what he wanted with them both! If only I had figured out a way to destroy the monster that appeared on our beach that night! If only I could be sure beyond any shadow of doubt that all the sorcery at our disposal, including the magic of the Firebird Phoenix was going to be enough! If—only... One step at a time, Pacha—one step at a time... First things first—telling Iggy about what I felt was the impending appearance of Romulus. Then, explaining to Sacha and the rest of mi familia the same and—with the exception of Mateo and Eliana’s short trip with several of us to the island—that they need to remain here at Crescent Moon or for several, Spirit Walker until this is over to keep them safe from harm... I felt the looming darkness that lay ahead when Tati shared her vision, just as I felt it the day Iggy’s biological mother and father reappeared on the beach. All of it brought on by one man—one warlock—who wanted to take one of my brightest lights away from me—Romulus... It wouldn’t happen—it couldn’t—I will make sure Iggy and Sacha—all of my Los Charlatanes—stay protected and safe—their bright futures remaining secure—even if I had to make the greatest sacrifice to ensure it, taking solace in the fact that even when I’m gone—the legacy of El Corazon will live on in them! ***************** MATTIAS Exhausted after another incredibly long—but fulfilling—day, I trudged through our door to find Jillie waiting for me on the couch in a new light blue dress adorned with cute daisies. A myriad of platters strewn across our coffee table, jumping up to rush into my arms, elatedly greeting— “Grandmother told me about your eventful afternoon, including your impressive first Council meeting. So, I had a late dinner prepared for us!” Relishing the feel of her body against me, I elatedly sighed, “Thanks, but right now, I don’t even care about the food. Holding onto you like this is what I need more than anything, Jillie.” Pulling away from me slightly, she brought her hands up, running them along the sides of my head, worriedly asking, “You okay?” Expelling out an exhaustive breath, I started rambling, “Yeah, I mean it was nice, hearing everyone praise me and all—it was great, actually—and I really liked being a part of it, especially when I was heard, Jillie. Like, really, really heard. Feeling like I was one of them—an Alpha. Standing among all these—legends. And speaking my mind—without any hesitation. It’s all so—surreal to me now.” Nodding, but looking at me with eyes full of love and concern, Jillie took firm hold of my hands, pulling me towards the couch as she lovingly urged, “I think you’re overwhelmed. Why don’t we go sit down and get you a glass of fruit tea?” My body falling lifelessly down onto the plush surface, my beautiful mate quickly had a glass poured and, in my hand, sitting down beside me as she gently encouraged me to take a sip, which I did before thickly admitting, “Today was the first day I felt like I could really do it. That I could be the Alpha of Howling Wind. The Alpha I want to be. I even stood up to Horacio, Jillie—Horacio! And I sounded just as intimidating as Grandfather. At least I think I did. He made it sound like I did, anyways.” “I’m not surprised,” she supportively cooed before encouraging me to take another sip, “I saw the Alpha in you the moment we met, remember? Now, let’s get some food in you, hmmm?” Swallowing hard as she turned away to fix my plate, I earnestly replied, “This future isn’t just mine, Jillie. It’s ours. It won’t work without you—and you are going to be an incredible Luna.” Setting the plate in my lap and a fork in my hand, she devotedly replied, “Thank you for those sweet, endearing words—and I fully plan on making all of you and myself proud in that regard—now, eat, please.” Taking a huge bite of potatoes, I muffled out, “See what I mean? I can’t do this without you.” Laughing as she sat back with her plate, Jillie kidded, “Just like Grandfather can’t do it without Grandmother. As she has said many times, that is our most important role as Luna—to support our Alphas by being your rock. The person you lean on and hold onto to when the days are long and hard. Who makes sure you are nourished and healthy—mind, body, and soul—so you can face the challenges put before you every single day. And the person whose love centers and balances you when you feel overwhelmed by the heavy weight of responsibility that you carry squarely on your shoulders for us all—your family and your pack.” Scooping up another hunk of the potatoes, I shoved it in my mouth, swallowing it this time before admiringly stating, “Sounds like we are both in for long, challenging days ahead.” “I’m all in, if you are,” Jillie lovingly replied, “But for now, eat some more and then tell me more about your day—particularly the part where you stood up to Horacio. I’m supposed to give Grandmother a full rundown of your side of the experience during tea tomorrow, though I suspect during her visit, Auntie will be asked to replay it for all of us.” Laughing, I set my fork down on my plate, leaning over to kiss Jillie softly before admitting, “I’m probably going to ask her to do that too, as it’s one of my finer moments to date.” “The first of many, my future Alpha,” Jillie sweetly breathed out, her bright blue eyes glistening with pride as she repeated, “The first of many.” **************** PACHA Iggy’s devastated and fearful reaction to my news on our early morning visit made me even more grateful for Ryker’s presence in her life, his calming comfort of her and loving assurance to Mi Novia that the vast army of sorcery at our disposal gave us an advantage this time around, if we had to face our mortal enemy again seeming to ease her mind at least a little—at least it did until he delivered his own unfortunate news... “I know this is really bad timing, Iggy, but I’ve been put on the search team to look for the rogues who met up with girls yesterday,” Ryker cautiously informed her, “And we’ll be leaving within the next hour or so. I’m hoping that we will find them quickly, but if not, I won’t be home until really late every night until we do.” Immense fear returned to her dark brown gaze as Iggy despairingly gasped, “But—what if Romulus finds out about the search, Te Amo? What if he—” Sensing our daughter's panic starting to boil over, Esma comfortingly broke in, “Hija, you and I have talked about this. There will be times when Ryker’s job requires him to be in dangerous situations. Do not make him feel worse about this than my Mijo already does.” Turning her attention to Ryker, she kindly continued, “You do what needs to be done to help our cause, Mijo, and do not worry. Iggy and I will be busy during the day making our gifts for the upcoming weddings and her Papacito and I will stay here with her every evening to keep her mind focused and at ease until you return home.” Mi Novia’s arms flying around his waist, she clung to him tightly, anxiously rambling out, “I’m sorry, Te Amo. Mamacita is right. It wasn’t fair to you to act like I did. You are a warrior and, as a good mate, I shouldn’t add to your stress. I’m fine. Promise. And maybe Senora Zahlia can help me learn to cook her Marry Me Chicken—not because of the name, but because you have talked about it so much—to have it ready for you when you come home. A late dinner with some more buttery foods that you love.” Laughing softly, Ryker adoringly replied, “All I need is for you not to be overly stressed about this news and be here to meet me at the front door when I get home. I’ll link as much as I can until I get back, okay?” Nodding, Iggy forced a smile, “And I just need you not to worry about me and be safe. I love you, Te Amo.” After telling them that we would allow them some time alone before he left, I earnestly urged, “Promise me you will do as our Iggy has asked and be safe out there, Mijo. And if danger does present itself, I expect to be notified immediately. Comprende?” Smiling warmly, Ryker respectfully bowed his head, cutely replying, “Si, Papacito.” ************* NICHOLAS I was getting an early start to my day, thankful for Auntie’s sweet delivery of several carafes of needed caffeine, when Gavin and Spiros walked through my office door, only validating further that adding our newest inner-circle member to our team was a good call... A thought had come to Spiros’ mind that both my brother and I couldn’t deny was an excellent theory that should be explored. If the rogues had caught wind of the impending trouble their dalliances with Oralia’s girls had brought forth, they may have sought refuge by entering the former Blood Horizon territory, planning to lay low in the vast dark lands Roman had masterfully utilized so often in his past misdeeds... “If you’re on board, I think it might be a good idea to have Auntie’s army take a look. She’s already in agreement, as we all know Blood Horizon territory has become a haven for the unsavory, even suggesting that we bring along Aunt Reina and Aunt Persephone for back up in her stead,” Gavin consciously suggested. “It seems we’re all on the same page, Brother,” I stoically replied, leaning back in my chair, “Notify the others while I inform Carson that he will be leading today’s efforts on our side of the borders. And I’ll first confirm with Alastor that he agrees, but I think Caelus should join you as it would be an excellent experience for him. Zayden should go too, as they’ve both proven to be a tremendous asset many times over in their training.” Giving Spiros an approving nod, I earnestly added, “Much like Spiros has proven to be a tremendous asset to Auntie’s army and to me as part of our inner circle. Nicely done, my friend.” “Don’t thank me unless we end up finding them there,” Spiros kindly returned, “I could be totally off base.” Pondering the thought further as I took another sip from my cup, I voiced my growing gut feeling, “Honestly, I’m starting to think you have hit the mark perfectly, Spiros. The rogues would expect me to perform our planned search, making the choice to enter Blood Horizon territory the most appealing option.” “I hope we’re both right and they are quickly found,” Spiros steadfastly returned, “The sooner we can pinpoint Oralia’s location, the better, though with the sorcery at her disposal, it’s going to be incredibly difficult to catch them by surprise.” Taking in a deep breath, I slowly exhaled out, “True, but if we can stay hot on her heels and keep the pressure on the newly minted Rogue Queen, perhaps we can force a mistake to be made, enabling us to quickly end this tedious back and forth tug of war.” ***************** TINK Okay, so it was sweet and all—all my Auntie’s army brothers and sisters stopping by to see me before I was left behind on one of our first missions—but the struggle was real, man! And I mean REAL! In fact, it was KILLING ME! Especially when I found out that Caelus was going too... He was the last to come by to see me and proving already to be the smartest of the bunch—Caleus came bearing food—and the sweetest of them all too, as he handed the plate of goodies over, “I heard cookies were a favorite, so I had Mrs. Dottie whip up a variety of her specialties for you. There’s sprinkle birthday cake, red velvet, butter-butter-peanut butter, and my personal favorite, marshmallow dunka-chunk.” Picking up the one that looked like his fave—a thick deliciously gooey-looking cookie with a white coating, I sank my teeth into it before satisfyingly muffling out, “Hands down, Crusher, you are officially my favorite in Auntie’s army, and as these rank second on our cookie craving list, you’re Titus’ favorite too.” Laughing as he sat down beside me, his mood dampened right after, “I really hate you’re not going to be there, Tink. It’s going to be hard not having my go-to powerhouse there. I’ve counted on your guidance the most in training.” Pointing at him with half a cookie, I fiercely demanded, “You just remember everything I’ve taught you and go make me proud out there today. Do you hear me? And it wouldn’t hurt my feelings for my prized student to show off at least a little with a few Tink-inspired moves. Prove to them all what I already know—you’re more than ready to graduate and be a permanent part of the team.” Sitting straight up, my young protégé confidently replied, “I promise I will make the Dark One proud, including figuring out a way to perform the Crusher Combo to immobilize at least one of our enemies.” Toasting him with the gooey goodness, I enthusiastically returned before plopping it in my mouth, “Now we’re talkin’! And immobilizing two or three with those personally choreographed moves would please the Dark One a great deal, young one. As would a celebration afterwards that involves more of these mounds of marshmallow marvelousness. These will be long gone by then.” “I already linked Mrs. Dottie requesting a quadruple batch for you,” Caelus proudly declared, making me even more proud of the kid with his instant humor-invoked idea... Flashing him a prideful smirk, I infused great snark in my retort, “Atta boy, Crusher! You really have been paying attention. I might have to start enlisting you to help me keep Chatterbox on his toes while I’m down and out. Covertly, of course, so we don’t hurt that good reputation of yours, especially as it works to our advantage.” Auntie and Horacio suddenly appeared at the end of the bed, both eyeing me wearily as she cleared her throat before amusingly admonishing, “I have appreciated your positive influence on my Caelus, Tink. Don’t ruin it now by taking him under your wing for more—darker pursuits.” Throwing my hands up in the air, I innocently fired back, “I was joking! Well, as you have more than likely already seen it, mostly joking. I am curious, though—did the scenario work out like I thought it would?” “Yes, Carson’s expression would be priceless should you turn his sweet milk into sour milk by having Caelus place a bicarbonate in his glass while you’re distracting him,” Auntie drolly sighed, “However, I feel the need to remind you that it is a favorite of Liora’s. Do you really want to take the chance of Carson retaliating by not sharing a glass with you every evening?” Winking at me, Caelus quietly murmured, making me smile, “We’ll figure something else out.” “Word to the wise, kid,” Horacio slyly retorted, “Tread carefully if you decide to go into cahoots with the Dark One. Safer to stick with cookies. Speaking of which, you know your Unc. There’s more of those in your bag, right?” “There are,” Caelus knowingly chortled, “And if he decides to hold out on you, there’s some in Dad’s bag too.” “Sounds like you two are ready, then,” Auntie sweetly cooed, turning to shoot Fury a warning gaze, “Be sure your Unc shares the goodies I packed in his bag as well, hmmmm?” “You better hope we don’t decide to have a cookie contest, or you may regret those words, beautiful,” Horacio bantered back, leaning down to softly kiss her lips, “I would hate to have to tell the love of my life that there is one thing she ranks second in.” “I’ll take my chances,” Auntie lovingly returned, biting her lower lip, “You two should go. Be careful out there and do try to play nicely with Persephone. You are just as much of a bad influence on Reina as Tink is trying to be with Caelus.” My big guy came through the door then to say our goodbyes, receiving a kiss and a pout before I stuck one of the red velvet gooey goodies in his mouth, exhaling out in a huff, “Remember your promise—no trouble this time, big guy. The Roly Polies and I need you safe and sound—and home as quickly as possible—or the Dark One comes out to play. Got it?” Pulling the cookie out of his mouth, Beast lovingly murmured, “Got it”, before kissing me again and sweetly whispering, “Love you, Clemmie.” Shoving two more cookies into his huge mitt, I muttered under my breath, “Love you too, my seven-foot wall of hunka-hunka wonder.” Horacio kissed Auntie again too, before she sent them down to meet with the others, leaving just the two of us in the room. “You think this sucks just as much as I do, right? Being sidelined,” I whined as she laid down on the bed beside me and I handed her a marshmallow cookie. After a long depressive sigh, it kinda made me feel a little better when she hesitantly admitted, “It actually does.” Sinking her teeth into the treat, she let out in a despairingly satisfied muffle between bites, “Oh my. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt for you to use your influence to get Caelus to covertly obtain the recipe for these cookies from Dottie.” Chuckling under my breath, I greedily murmured, “Atta girl, Auntie. Welcome to the Dark Side!”
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