Chapter 7

1488 Words

Chapter 7I was going to have to wait though; Monday was Frank’s day off and Becca was going to be training her new staff member this evening so we’d decided that it was better if I stayed away since we had a problem keeping focused on anything when we were near each other. It was absolute torture knowing I wouldn’t see her until Tuesday night. By lunchtime I couldn’t resist any longer. I picked up the phone and dialled Becca’s mobile number. I didn’t actually expect her to answer, but I thought I’d at least hear her voice on the answering message and could leave her a saucy voicemail to let her know I was thinking about her. ‘Hello?’ came the cautious response as the line connected. ‘Hello gorgeous. Sorry, I had to call and just say hi. How you doing Babe, is the bar busy?’ ‘Mmmmm I wa

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