Chapter 4

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Chapter 4I managed to sleep for a while longer before waking feeling wonderfully refreshed and ready for whatever the day had in store for me. After a long, luxurious shower I dressed simply in a pair or khaki linen shorts and a plain white, sleeveless cotton shirt that was tailored nicely to show off the curves of my breasts. I glanced into the mirror and confirmed that I’d managed to achieve a look that was casual yet sexy, and then started gathering some things together to take out with me. I piled sun cream, a floppy sunhat, some bottles of ice cold water and a few other bits and pieces into a bag and ran out of the front door just as my watch reached 11.30am. The heat of the morning hit me as I trotted the short distance to the pub, eager to see Becca again and kiss those wonderful lips. I got to the pub just in time to see Becca showing a young girl out and stood back out of the way as Becca shook her hand formally and said she looked forward to seeing her next week as long as her references checked out. The girl was pretty with a slightly Mediterranean complexion and she looked chuffed to have been offered the job. As she turned away Becca caught sight of me and smiled that smile that had my heart dribbling out of my p***y. She flashed her gorgeous eyes at me and stood back holding the door open for me to enter. As soon as the door was shut behind me Becca took my face in her hands and kissed me slowly, deeply and languorously until I thought I would pass out from the sheer intensity of it. ‘Hey gorgeous, you smell wonderful’ and she buried her nose in my still damp hair and kissed along my neck, sending shivers down my spine and raising goose bumps on my arms despite the heat. ‘Hey you, that was a wonderful greeting, I could get used to that’ I sighed as Becca started to kiss along my jaw bone. ‘Good! My god you look good enough to eat’ and she pushed me back against the door and pressed herself against me as she claimed my lips with hers and slipped her tongue into my willing mouth. ‘Ah-hem! Do you 2 want to get a room or do I have to bottle up the bar with you making out in the corner?’ I jumped at the sound of the voice. I had no idea how long the barman had been there -- maybe since I’d entered but I’d been kind of distracted! ‘So you’re the woman who keeps Becca out all night; I have to say she has good taste.’ He came around the bar and studied me as I stood there blushing madly. He stuck his hand out and pumped my hand up and down in a very enthusiastic handshake. ‘I’m glad she’s found someone to divert her energies away from this place -- maybe now she’ll let me manage the bar without interfering!’ ‘Sally, this is Frank. Frank, this is Sally. Frank is my bar manager, advisor, confidant and occasional minder when my ex is up to his games. He can be a terse old bugger but I couldn’t manage without him’ and she kissed him affectionately on the cheek ‘We’ll let you get on -- we have things to do’ and with that she grabbed my hand and pulled me through the bar area and out into the back room where I’d first met her. ‘So -- are you ready to go out to lunch? ‘I certainly am, where are we going?’ ‘It’s a surprise but I think you’ll like it. I’ll call a cab, let’s have a cold drink while we wait for it to arrive.’ We sat chatting & drinking tall glasses of iced lemon tea while we waited for the taxi but I was struggling to concentrate on the conversation. Becca was wearing her hair up on her head again and I couldn’t keep my eyes off her slender neck; the way she’d greeted me when I arrived had set my libido galloping & I was as randy as hell. When the taxi arrived Becca instructed me to go and sit in the back while she grabbed a few things. It sounded like she’d loaded several bags into the boot but I couldn’t see what she was up to and when Becca got into the car she wasn’t giving anything away. We sat in the car chatting with the windows wide open delivering a high speed warm breeze that kept us from frying in the sunshine through the windows. Becca laughed as she caught sight of the taxi driver ogling us in his rear view mirror and leaned forward and planted a very noisy kiss square on my lips. If anything it made him watch more & when Becca’s hand crept up my bare thigh towards the hem of my shorts I thought he was going to hit a tree! After about 25 minutes we’d reached our destination although I had no idea where we were, we seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. We unloaded the boot with Becca making sure I didn’t peek into any of the bags and made our way across a small field toward a line of trees. ‘Becca, where the hell are we going with this lot?’ I asked as I puffed along behind her, the bags feeling heavier by the step. ‘Trust me!’ was all the answer I got as she trapped me in a kissing gate and refused to let me pass until my lips were numb. As we cleared the trees on the other side we found ourselves in a field with a wooden cabin set a little way back from the banks of a river. I stopped and dropped the bags I was carrying, looking around me at this wonderfully secluded spot, a vision of English loveliness in the heart of the countryside, hidden away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, screened by trees without another person in sight for as far as the eye could see. ‘This place is AMAZING! Ok, I admit it was absolutely worth the walk across the fields’ Becca had a Cheshire cat grin on her face which turned her demeanour from sophisticated to impish as she ran towards me and hugged me so tightly I struggled to breathe. ‘I’m so, so glad you like it. Do you know I’ve never brought anyone else here before, not even my husband. In fact especially not my husband, this was my one special place where I could come and escape from the world’ ‘So you didn’t bring your illicit female lover here then?’ ‘Nope! You’re the first person I’ve ever felt like sharing it with, and I’ve been so excited since I thought of it this morning I didn’t think I was ever going to get through those interviews!’ ‘So how come this place is here and there’s no-one else around? I would have thought it would be full of picnickers on a day like this’ ‘It’s private property and the only convenient way to access it is via the trudge across the field or by boat -- I think it puts people off. I grew up in a little village just across the river and this was my childhood playground. This land was being sold about 20 years ago and my father bought it to stop a developer getting it and building a bunch of ugly houses on it. He had the cabin built and used to spend hours here fishing after he retired’ I could see a sadness descend over her pretty face and the green specs of fire in her eyes seemed to dim. ‘I take it your father has now passed on?’ ‘Yes’ she sighed ‘And I miss him a lot. Both my parents are gone now but I have 8 acres of land, a cabin and a river to remind me of them. Come on’ She took my hand and led me over to the cabin, taking a bunch of large keys from the bag over her shoulder. She walked around the cabin unlocking doors but not opening them until she had them all unlocked. ‘I warn you now, I haven’t been here in a few months and I’m guessing a few spiders may have moved in!’ ‘Oh god, I’m terrified of spiders!’ ‘Yup -- me too, so this should be interesting’ she laughed as she pulled open a door in the back of the cabin. It was a long thin storage space that ran along the back wall of the cabin and inside was an assortment of deck chairs, folding tables and a huge kayak. ‘Help me pull the boat out so the spiders have time to move out before we put it into the water.’ I didn’t see any spiders as we heaved the big canoe out onto the grass but the cobwebs announced their presence, making me nervous as hell. Next we walked around to another smaller storage space which housed switches and levers which Becca flipped quickly before shutting the door again. ‘Ok, so now we have electricity and running water’ Then we opened up the big doors at the front of the cabin which once pushed back left almost the entire front wall open to the elements. There were less cobwebs in here and we dispatched them quickly with brooms, leaving the spartan but functional interior clean. As we looked out toward the tranquil river scene I took Becca into my arms from behind and hugged her to me tightly, feeling the heat of her sun warmed body against mine and revelling in the smell of her subtle perfume. ‘I think this place is out of this world, what a perfect retreat from the real world’ I breathed into her hair, allowing my lips to tickle her neck, raising goose bumps. ‘Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I better warn you that it’s been a long time since I’ve paddled a boat -- we could end up swimming!’ She turned around in my arms and fixed me with those piercing eyes, just looking at me for a long moment while she stroked my face tenderly. ‘Sally Granger, I have a confession to make. You make me feel alive. You make me want to do things I haven’t even thought about for years. I haven’t been in the boat for a long time either, but I’d like to today and if we end up swimming then as long as I’m swimming with you then that’s ok with me.’ I could feel the tears coursing down my face as my heart melted at her words; it had been a long time since someone had spoken such tender words to me and I found myself choked up and speechless. Becca took my face gently in her hands and drew her lips to mine in a kiss that was so filled with desire it almost scared me. I drew back and held her gaze as she caressed my neck and shoulders. ‘Becca, I need you to do something for me Babe.’ ‘Just say the word Sal, what do you need?’ ‘You. I need you to make love to me right now. Right here, right now!’
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