Chapter 3

1414 Words

Chapter 3There was a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen that night as she closed the front door behind her and she could hear the television news in the living room. For an instant she froze, taking in the atmosphere, she’d been on her own for just over a month and now she had company. Peter’s car was parked in the street and Zoelle’s was in the driveway. Harriet stepped into the living room and nodded at Peter slumped in the couch, a beer in his hand, he was only half watching the news, the phone in his hand beeped and he nodded at Harriet. “Welcome home, she’s um, in the kitchen. I’m staying for dinner.” Zoelle was just putting a baking dish in the oven and she glanced over her shoulder at Harriet. “You’re just in time,” she closed the door, “I thought I’d try meatballs and veget

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