Chapter 10

854 Words

Chapter 10I called Becca later that evening and asked if she was free to meet me for dinner and an hour later I was sat at a corner table in a wonderful little bistro, watching as she breezed in through the door glancing around the restaurant looking for me. Her face broke into one of her beautiful smiles as she caught sight of me and she weaved between the tables until she reached me, leaning down to plant a soft and tender kiss on my lips as her hand cupped the back of my neck making me shiver. ‘Hi honey, what have you been up to all afternoon?’ ‘Hey gorgeous; I’ve been making plans, calling in favours and thinking of you. How did you get on with Tamsin, have you convinced her that you’re a wonderful person and she needs to be on your side?’ ‘I think so; I’ve been especially nice to

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