19. Dragons Mount

1734 Words

Alice’s POV. Waylon had arranged for a car to take us to the dragon's den. The name of the mountain which the dragon kingdom was, is called Dragon's Mount. Humans called it that but little did they know that actual dragons lived there. I had only ever seen the dragon king at one of my father's meetings. Besides the time I saw him at my crowning ceremony. I must say he looked like he never aged a day. Although he was at least in his late forties or maybe even fifties he looked younger for his age. Well as far as I could tell, that is the age he looked to me. I vaguely recall in one of Andrews's teachings of the other creatures that are a part of the supernatural council, that dragons could live up to a thousand years. I don’t know if it’s true, but I would like to find out if it is.

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