5. The Queen Of Covens

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Leo's POV. I mingled with some of the Alphas before I took my seat amongst the many Alphas that have come for this occasion. I just wanted the crowning to be quick so that I could look for that girl, my fated mate. Her golden brown eyes and brunette hair from her rosy pink lips was all my mind could think about. Her beautiful face is all I got a good look at before she did a runner on me. I knew it was because she heard me call her, mate. I didn’t think I said it loud enough but then again she was literally in my arms. I'm sure that she felt the sparks from our skin contact that told her that I was also her mate. She seemed freaked out by my words and I couldn’t blame her, we both knew as well as many other creatures of the mating law. I knew she wasn’t a werewolf, the scent on her was definitely not of a werewolf. I had only smelt a similar scent like that at one of the many council meetings. It was similar to the warlock elder, which told me that my mate had to be a witch. I remember my father saying that a witch and warlock has different scents to tell you their gender. I don’t understand why it's different when they are of the same creature. Our she-wolves had the same scent as us males that told any creature what we are. The only different would be our auras, the higher the rank in the pack the stronger the aura. The chanting had died down upon the request of the council elders and soon everyone in the coronation hall stood up at the sound of music playing at the sound of doors opening. I knew that it was finally the princess to be crown queen that had entered the room. As I stood up my impatience to want this to be over had disappeared the second I smelt that fresh flowery scent with a hint of sweet honey hit my nostrils. Immediately my wolf began to pounce around with excitement as I looked around the crowd for that familiar face. It was the scent I had followed earlier and bumped into my mate. The crowd had taken their seats again when the warlock elder had gave everyone the okay. I saw the princess standing at the front with her back faced towards the crowd. Her hair was tied half up and half down with beautiful wavy curls reaching half way to her waist line. The dress was a light champagne colour which was long and obviously was off the shoulder since I saw her should was bare. She had a male beside her that had escorted her to the front, before he went and stood to her right. From what our elder had said when he described how they do their crowning was that the one chosen to be the second hand of the royal heir was to be beside the heir when they get crowned. I had blanked out the whole ceremony of whatever the warlock elder had did and said, I didn’t know why but I felt a feeling I have never felt before. I felt jealous that the male that had escorted the future queen to the front. Within that second of me feeling jealous, I understood why. I couldn’t believe my eyes when the princess had turned to face the front after the warlock elder had placed a crown on her head. It was her the girl I bumped into earlier, my mate, she was beautiful and..... she was …. is the queen of all witch and warlock covens. My eyes didn’t leave her, it couldn’t leave her, she was beautiful from the back as well as the front. As ana Alpha I hid my surprised from anyone that could pick up on it. I was lost in my mates beauty as I looked at her from head to toe. She wore a beautiful smile as she looked at the crowd, it didn’t take looked before she looked in my direction and our eyes locked. She didn’t make any reaction but I knew that she noticed me. The queen of all witches and warlocks was none other than my fated mate. I watched as she gracefully walked down the aisle as she made her way out of the hall with her right hand man escorting her. Her scent was so intoxicating that both my wolf and I had found it hard to stay still in our seats. I wanted to chase after her but I knew that would be inappropriate since I was a guest on another creatures land. I also was not going to cause a scene of any sort, especially in front of a room full of many creatures. Their wasn’t just Alphas of werewolves pack present but also of Vampire nests, Dragon clans, and also leaders of Wendigo's and Fae's. . . . . I walked out of the coronation hall with such speed that my beta practically ran after me. I'm sure that she would be mingling with everyone here and I wanted to be one of the first. "Alpha slow down! I'm sure that they will have plenty of food left by the time we get there." I beta said as he caught up to my pace. "It's not the food." I replied without thinking. "Since when does food not make you walk like this." He questioned as he gestured to my whole body while I continued to speed walked. I sight, "I met my mate." Was all I said in our mind link which caused him to stop for a second before he sprint to catch up to me again. "And when was you going to tell me you found her?" He replied back in the link as he walked beside me. "Well I preferably not tell you that in a room full of creatures that has great hearing." I replied and Josh nodded his head in understanding. "Also its mostly because she is a witch." I said and again my beat was in shock but tried his best to hid it from the crowd of other beings as we entered in the room. I had made sur to have a seat closes to the table were the Queen of Covens would sit but to my surprise there wasn’t any high seat that you would expect to see if this was an Alpha's ceremony. There was seats and tables everywhere and what looked like a buffet of food, every time something finished more food magically appeared. Then again this is the first witch and warlock event I have ever been too. I guess that the Queen would be more mingling with leaders instead of being seated on a fancy throne or something. "Hello! Why are you looking around a lot instead of telling me details." Josh said out loud. "Are you looking for her?" He whispered and I immediately glared daggers at him causing him to hold his mouth shut. "So what's the plan?" Josh asked in out link. "What do you mean?" I asked him back although I knew where he was going with this conversation, I just decided to play dumb. "Don’t play dumb right now, everyone knows about the mating law." He replied as he caught on to me, I knew he would, he knew me too well. "The council will obviously not approve of a werewolf or a witch being mated or even completing the mating process." He had to remind me of something I was not ready to think about. "Honestly, I don’t know." I answered. "That is something I will need to worry about for another day." I closed of our link as I didn’t what him to press on the matter any longer. I walked away from my beta and made my way to the bar that was serving all the alcohol beverages. "I'll have rum on the rocks please." I said to the bar attendant and gulped the drink down in one go. I singled the bar attendant for another one and just as I was about to drink it down I smelt that familiar scent. I turned my back to the bar and looked around the room and there I saw her making her way to the food table. I watched as she spoke to a few creatures who had introduced themselves and then watched as a few Alphas I knew did the same. Both my wolf and I began to get the jealous feeling again as we watch other males shake our mates hands. I drank the drink I was holding and placed it on the bench before I turned and made my way towards my mate. It was about time we both learn each other's names, before we even decide on what we are to do about this mating law that forbids us to be together.
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