23. Vampire Elder

1402 Words

Alice's POV. "Queen Alice, how nice it is to see you again." The vampire elder had a very broad grin, he bowed slightly. "My King." He then turned and gave Emmet a bow. The elder took a seat across from Waylon and me as the King sat at the head of the table. "So, tell me, how are the other clans doing with the rogue problems?" Emmet went straight into it with the elder. "The situation with every clan is different but they are managing." He answered the king. "the... Queen Alice's healer, Andrew, said that the covens are fond of keeping rogues away from their covens. Dragons are. Well, they kill rogues the second they see them from the air. Wendigos are not too worried, they see the rogue wolves as... food." The elder cleared his throat while glancing at me. "When does the wen

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