Chapter 447 Not working Anymore

601 Words

The next second, Jordy came back to himself and looked extremely awkward. What the hell was he thinking?! Why was it all about Gloria White?! "Jordy..." Angela looked apprehensively at Jordy and asked, "What's the matter? Shall we go back?" Later, Jordy would meet Gloria again and they would go discuss business with Lovell together. It was the last thing Angela wanted for them to be alone. She was really scared now. Jordy pulled himself together and lifted his eyes to Angela, saying, "Come on. Eat. These are all your favorite dishes, aren't they?" These were indeed all her favorite. But, she was not in the mood! Jordy was with her right now but it was Gloria all he was thinking about. How could she possibly enjoy the food? After a pause, she let out a sigh and said, "Jordy, you do

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