007 Intimate Detoxification

1619 Words
Leslie's lower body was in pain, she couldn't walk a step, she was carried on Quincy's back, fortunately the young man was strong and could walk on his back as if she was on the ground. Two people and a horse soon reached the entrance of the cave, Quincy tied the horse to the entrance of the cave, carrying Leslie into the cave. Unfortunately, the cave was too dark, so Quincy went out to gather wood for the fire, and in a short while the cave was brightly lit. Leslie was in great pain, leaning against the stone wall and holding her thighs, gasping for breath, her lower body was swollen and tingling, as if there were a lot of little bugs biting, she desperately restrained herself from reaching out and scratching. Quincy came to her and squatted down in front of her, pulling out the bottle of pills and placing it on the floor, and spreading a jacket out to indicate that Leslie should lie down. Leslie didn't have any objections at this point and obediently lay down, spreading her legs wide apart and exposing her entire red, swollen p***y to the other woman. Quincy is also still young, has never looked at the female lower body so carefully, Quincy nervous red face, looked up to see Leslie is lying weakly, breathing trembling, colorful red lips slightly pouting, pitiful and lovely, heart pity, bit his teeth, and pressed his mouth on it. Leslie felt a warmth between her legs, then dampness and fire, as if she were being sucked by something, and she couldn't help but clench her thighs and moan as she bobbed her head. Quincy sucked hard on her fat bulging cunt, twisting his head and spitting blood onto the floor with every two sucks, and after five or six repetitions, he figured it was about time. He looked at Leslie with a red face, but saw that the expression on her face was no longer particularly painful, her beautiful eyebrows were still furrowed, but her face even looked a little happy. quincy wiped the lust water on his chin, and took the bottle of medicine and poured out some wound medicine and applied it to the affected area. He took his time applying the half-dozen pills, his lips drying uncontrollably, and his c**k surreptitiously erect. As night fell, Quincy shot two rabbits from outside and returned to the cave to roast them over the fire, waking Leslie up with the aroma of the rabbits. Leslie opened his eyes to see Quincy sprinkling salt on the rabbit meat and smiled when he woke up, "I roasted two, I'll share one with you." Leslie moved, her lower body still hurt, but besides the pain, there was also an indescribable itching sensation. She was very uneasy in her heart, she had snake fire poison in her body, and now that she was bitten by a poisonous snake, there was some guarantees that she would develop other problems. Quincy saw her looking at the ground in a daze, so he walked over and tore the rabbit meat into small pieces and handed it to her mouth. Leslie's status was honored before, so she didn't feel anything wrong, and she ate with peace of mind as she was served by Quincy. The more Quincy looked at her, the more she thought she was beautiful, not only beautiful, but also cute, and a little bit adorkable ... "Ms. Lilith ..." he spoke thoughtfully, "How old are you?" Leslie looked back at him, "Twenty-six." A look of disappointment passed over Quincy's face, "Oh, so you're six years older than me." Leslie stared at him with interest, she could see that this young man had some martial arts foundation, especially that sword on his body couldn't be bought for thousands of gold coins, maybe it was the descendant of a famous family. "Then I should call you young brother Quincy." Leslie said. Quincy immediately shook his head, "Don't don't don't, it's so strange to address you like that, you obviously look younger than me." The corner of Leslie's mouth curled into a smile and he inclined his head. Quincy asked again, "Ms. Lilith, why are you alone in the middle of nowhere?" "I ... am going to visit relatives, so pass here." "Oh, what direction are you going?" "Five Mile Hill." Quincy slapped his hand and said joyfully, "Then we are on the way, I am also going that way, but not as far as you, how about we travel together?" Leslie was worried that she might meet with something untoward if she was alone, and hearing the youth say so, she agreed. After nightfall, the two rested in the cave. * The next day at dawn, Leslie was woken up by a burst of birdsong outside the cave, and lazily rolled over, but realized that her lower body was sticky. She put her hand into her pants and felt around, and found that most of the swelling of the puffy labia had gone down, and there was no more pain, except for the wound medicine that had melted into a thin film of paste on top of the female p***y, acting as a protection. It seems Quincy's words are true, his family's wound medicine is indeed very effective. Thinking of the scene yesterday when Quincy helped her to suck out the poisonous blood, Leslie felt a tingling itch in her belly. But she immediately serious body and mind, in her mind reprimanded herself: even degenerated into this, too unproductive! She is not yet avenged, but to these charming things obsessed, said out will not call people shame! On second thought, she has never shown her true face, almost no one in the jianghu knows that she is Leslie, the master of the Magic Sect, during this period of time, it would be better to use the name of Lilith to move around, when the time is ripe to pick up the mask, and know her true identity of the two people - Mark, Archibald, he will have to be the first to eliminate! be the first to eradicate! While she was calculating how to take revenge, Quincy had already returned from his breakfast hunt. Walking over to the fire with two small fish and setting them down, he stretched his neck and looked over toward Leslie, seeing that she was still lying still and pacing in place with some hesitation. Leslie craned her head to look at him, "Little brother Quincy ..." Quincy jerked his head up and practically jumped in front of her with a freckled smile on his face, "Ah, Ms. Lilith, is your body ... okay?" Leslie sat up propped up on the ground and put a hand on the small of her back and said with a calm demeanor, "Much better, thanks to your help yesterday." Quincy first froze for a moment, warm touch awakened his ambiguous memories of yesterday, suddenly from the head until the root of the neck red. "I ... this ... no, no, no need to be polite, haha, this is what I should do." Hearing the latter half of his sentence, Leslie's face turned cold, while Quincy realized that he had said the wrong thing, and busily coughed two times in embarrassment to change the topic, "Miss Lilith doesn't have to address me as younger brother in the future, so just call me Quincy directly, and I ... I'll also directly call you Lilith, okay?" Leslie looked at him with an odd expression, and only after a long time did she sigh and incline her head to look at him again, "As you wish." Quincy since yesterday to help her "medicine", can not help but want to be close to Leslie, from breakfast onwards, pestered her to ask questions, after dinner the two are ready to go on the road, Quincy and she shared a horse. Quincy shared the horse with her. The horse traveled through the forest, and finally arrived at a small town after half a day. Quincy found an inn in the town, gave the horse to the shopkeeper and took Leslie to the second floor. Just arrived at the second floor, two people walked up to him, the leader was a man with a tall figure wearing gorgeous clothes, holding a fan carved from ivory in his hand, with a short sword decorated with jewels under his waist, with a rather arrogant demeanor, the two people behind him were wearing smiles on their faces, talking with the man as they walked along. When several people came face to face, that gentleman raised his eyes and swept a glance at Quincy, stopping his footsteps.Quincy also stopped immediately after seeing his face, clasping his fists and saying: "Viscount Xavier, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to see you here." The young man he called Viscount Xavier closed his fan and also slightly arched his hand, "Young Master Quincy, haven't seen you for many months, how have you been?" Quincy smiled cheerfully, "Very well, hahaha, where are you going?" "To Delphi City to deliver a batch of goods, staying here for a few days." While the two of them were climbing, Leslie only hung his eyes and looked at the crowd coming and going on the first floor, suddenly he felt a gust of coolness, he turned his head and looked, only to see that a person behind Viscount Duke Xavier was looking at himself with unblinking eyes. That person's eyebrows are very sparse, narrow eyes, while standing leisurely with his hands behind his back, while sweeping his eyes over her body.Leslie was looked at uncomfortable, quietly to Quincy behind to hide.
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