Chapter Four-3

627 Words

“NO.” DETERMINATION surged through his body. He must make her understand. His stay, however long or short, had to remain secret. “All right, have it your way, but I refuse to take the blame for a dead alien.” She looked at him with those green eyes. He felt ensnared within their depths. “I will recover,” he said weakly, all strength seeping from him. For some reason all he wanted to do was to lean into this female, close his eyes, and surrender. The thought caused his blood to race, his body to tense. Hypnotism. Is that what she was performing? The reason for his odd reactions to her? The reason his thoughts were so unsettled? Or was it simply the wound to his head causing this reaction? “My wound will heal,” he said with more strength this time. She made a soft noise before speaking. “

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