CHAPTER 4: Unexpected Actions

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Keiji's Perspective: I rose early, knowing I had school and the responsibility of escorting Mio. The thought of her potential anger if I didn't arrive at their house early lingered in my mind. While dressing in my polo shirt, a knock echoed on my bedroom door. Silence followed, indicating it was Dad. I hesitated to open the door, unwilling to endure his usual meaningless words. Time passed, yet I remained behind the closed door until he called out my name. "What?" I responded in a frosty tone. "You have school today, correct?" he inquired, though it was evident. "You see I'm in uniform, don't you? Obviously, I have school," I retorted. "Keiji, don't go to school today," he repeated his request. "What's the issue now? If you no longer wish to educate me, that's acceptable. Do not hesitate to express it," I addressed him directly. "You know that your taekwondo tournament is coming up, right? Just skip school, tell Mio that you can't take her to school today. You need to keep training and training, you can't afford to lose," he insisted. "Is it really that important to you? So what if I lose in the tournament? Is that crucial? I won't win every time. I can't focus on my studies because of this," I said, about to close the door, but he spoke up again. "You don't want to? Do you want me to get mad at you?!! I've told you, you will follow everything I say!" I was startled; his voice was so loud. He slowly entered my room, and fear made me step back. "Get down on the floor," he ordered, but I hesitated to comply. His face was terrifying. "I said get down on the floor!" I quickly obeyed and unbuttoned my polo shirt. But I am no longer afraid of getting hurt because I have been accustomed to it since I was a child. He removed his belt from his trousers and wrapped it around his hand. "Take off your clothes! Unbutton your polo!" I immediately removed my upper garment. He began to strike me, but I was surprised when a sudden sound interrupted. Someone called on his phone, so he stopped hitting me. "Who is this?" "Are you coming here, or should I send my men there?" I heard the man's voice clearly, deep and commanding, while I remained face down. "I'm coming there, but never send your men to my house," Papa said. "If that's the case, hurry up and come here before my boss gets angry with you," the man on the other end stated. "I'm on my way there," Dad said before ending the call. "Damn it! Keiji! Get out! Hurry up!" I quickly grabbed my clothes, got dressed, and left the room. ____ "Royal Crest Lodge, 6th floor, Room 603," the voice from the other line stated. "Don't rush too much, I'm on my way," Shadowfox said while driving towards the hotel he was instructed to go to. "If you move too slowly, you won't catch up to him. I know what I'm asking you to do. I see with my own two eyes what you're doing, where you are," "Just calm down, don't rush. I'm just timing the speed of my driving." "I'm just doing my job, you'll be in even more danger if you don't follow me," Shadowfox's handler reminded him. "I think it's better if I don't rush. We have plenty of days to reach him. Don't be in such a hurry, you're not the one in my situation. My life is more at risk," "Are you trying to boast that you're better than me, huh? You can't accomplish your mission without me. Follow your handler's orders if you don't want to be in harm's way, hurry up!!" the handler said angrily. "Is that what you want? I'm not playing games." Shadowfox accelerated the car, causing the road to blur due to his speed. "That's it, follow my orders," the handler said with a smirk. Due to Shadowfox's excessive speed, he lost control of the car. Suddenly, a student ran across the street, causing him to panic and not immediately hit the brakes. Fortunately, he managed to stop the car in time, avoiding hitting the child. By the time he stopped the car, the child had already crossed. "F*ck!!" he cursed loudly out of anger. "Sh*t! What have you done?" the handler said angrily. "You can speak later, it's not my fault." "Hurry up! Get out and talk to the child properly!" he ordered. He parked the car in front where the child had already crossed. Shadowfox immediately got out of his car, removed his shades, and adjusted his appearance. "Kid, are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm sorry, it's my fault," he pretended to be concerned about the child. "I-I'm fine, i-it's my fault because I suddenly ran even though I knew it was dangerous because there were many cars," the child stuttered, seeming afraid of Shadowfox. "Even if you say it's your fault, it's really my fault. I didn't consider the consequences of driving so fast on the road, especially near the school where there are students and children crossing. Kid, don't tell your parents what happened. I'll just compensate you." "I-I don't need it, I'm okay. I don't have any injuries or scratches." the child said. Suddenly, the police arrived, preventing Shadowfox from taking money from his wallet. "Sir, you were driving at a very high speed. You exceeded the speed limit. You were close to hitting the child," the police officer said. "I know, I'm truly sorry, I was really wrong. Can I make amends with money for my mistake?" Shadowfox offered money to the police. "Oh sir, we don't accept money. Our job is our job- Shadowfox handed more money to the police. "Is this enough? Is it okay now?" the police officer accepted the money and pocketed it. "No problem, just never do it again. Is this the first time this has happened?" "Yes, it is. Alright, can you leave now?" The police officer promptly left. "take it now, kid." Shadowfox said, prompting the child to accept the money he offered. "T-thank you, I'll go ahead." the child said and walked away quickly. "Shadowfox! Hurry up, get into the car while there's still time," the handler said. Shadowfox immediately got into the car and continued driving towards the RCL hotel (Royal Crest Lodge) Several minutes had passed, and Shadowfox had arrived at the hotel. "Hi, I'm here to visit my friend who is staying at your hotel. Is there a way I can go up to their room?" Shadowfox said to the hotel staff. "Sure, may I have your friend's name and room number, please?" "My friend's name is Noah Smith, and he's in Room 603." "Thank you. Let me check that for you. I see that Mr. Smith is expecting a visitor. I will arrange for you to be escorted to his room." "That would be great, thank you so much for your help." "You're welcome. I'll inform security, and they will accompany you to Room 605. Enjoy your visit with your friend!" Shadowfox immediately walked towards the elevator and headed to Room 603, where Noah Smith was staying. "Get rid of that security guard who's constantly following you," The handler suddenly spoke through the earpiece. "Just relax, he won't follow me inside the room. He's just guiding me to Noah's Room," Shadowfox softly replied. "Just make sure he leaves immediately." "You are the most ignorant and foolish handler I've ever had. Are you new?" Shadowfox candidly remarked about the handler's behavior. "Who told you I'm new, ignorant, and foolish?" "Obviously, me. Based on what I've observed about you. Just be quiet, I don't need you anyway." The handler was left speechless by what Shadowfox said. ____ "Keiji, don't let your dad just hurt you like that!" Mio said from the car as they headed to school. "I'm trying to stop him, but I can't disobey him. I might end up in more trouble," Keiji replied. "Are you just going to let him hurt you? You even know more than he does." "What can I do if I know more than him? Should I boast about it to him?" "Not just boast, but also retaliate physically for what he did. Kick him hard in the face; maybe that's why he trained you in taekwondo, so you can keep kicking him HAHAHAHHA," Mio said, laughing. "You're really crazy. Come on, get out, you might be late with all your talking," Keiji said as they arrived at Mio's school. "Okay, bye bye!" Mio said, kissing Keiji on the cheek. Keiji was surprised by the gesture, but Mio's seemed even more surprised by her own reaction. She quickly got out of the car and ran. ____ Mio's Perspective: Oh gosh, what did I do? Why did I suddenly kiss him on the cheek? I'm really losing it; he might think something else. I hope he just thinks it was a goodbye best friend kiss. Ughhh!!!, what have you done, Mio!!!

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