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“The truth?” the King questioned. “How have you lied to me?” She did not speak and he asked, “You cannot say that you do not love me? I know there has been no man in your life before – ” “No, no, it is – nothing like that,” Pythia said quickly. “But perhaps you will be – angry with me and not – love me – anymore.” She gave a little sob on the last words. The King smiled as he drew her closer to him. “Nothing and nobody could ever stop me from loving you. That would be impossible!” “Then I will tell you what – happened,” Pythia said. “But please, before I do so – kiss me once more for you may not want to do so – ever again.” The King did not say that it was an impossible thing to happen. He merely took possession of her lips. Now he kissed her possessively and demandingly, as if h

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