Chapter 6

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Without looking at the girl, he doesn’t need to see her, his eyes have been drawn to her from the first moment he walked into this establishment. “I thought you were busy with your little reverse harem you have going on?” His words sound sarcastic but his tone holds no malice and, even a touch of interest. Lani moves closer to his ear as he lowers himself slightly to meet her halfway, her small hand wantonly wanders over his chest without the slightest hint of embarrassment. “Why? Are you jealous or do you want to watch?” Connor moves his face as he hears her voice, her voice matches her body, carrying a wild sense of seduction and her unrestrained words are a touch of novelty in his otherwise ‘yes man’ world. Her face is close to his, she doesn’t adjust her posture with his movement, she no longer backs down to anything. Their noses touch and he runs his nose along her cheek, taking in her soft feminine apricot scent as he whispers in her ear. “Both” Leilani pulls back slightly, her hands on his shoulders a touch of joy lighting up those stormy blue eyes. Her fingers wrap around his hand that is still holding the whiskey glass on the table, she guides him to lift it to her lips taking a large drink of the amber liquid, letting half slide down her throat with a glorious burning feeling. Connor is completely spell bound, watching her every movement. She presses her lips against his and pries open his mouth to deposit the liquid inside. Connor swallows the liquid, his steel gray eyes still trained on her. He has never once met a woman like this. If another tried a move so bold, he would have her locked up in a cell. That is what the men surrounding them think is going to happen, but Connor shocks them once again when he picks her up, placing her on his lap in a straddle position. From this position he has a good chance to really look her over. She looked good from afar, but up close she is exquisite. Her braless br*asts are aching to be touched. His large, warm, dry and almost rough hand rests on her bare lower back, holding her completely in position, but she makes no move to struggle, sitting upon him like she belongs there, not shying from his gaze, meeting his eyes and not submitting, which would be the usual reaction, but from their brief encounter Connor has concluded that there is nothing usual about her. “Well you are sh*t out of luck because they are my brothers” Connor turns and glances at the five men who are all of alpha and beta blood, the only thing they have in common is their huge stature. “They are your brothers? They look nothing like you” Lani’s fingers wander around Connor’s thick neck, his skin is taut and soft holding such intense heat. “Do you know the saying, ‘you can’t choose your family’?” “I do” “Well, I did choose mine, where I had none. I now have five brothers” Connor rarely ever comes to these types of places at all, he is more strictly disciplined than to go to random bars to pick up woman. No other woman has the same audacity but she is like a breath of fresh air in his otherwise structured and rigid life. “They are here alpha” Connor glances over at the entrance where Alpha Liam has entered, followed by four of his men. Connor curses under his breath. He is usually all about business, but he is so hard and has the most gorgeous woman he has ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on in his arms. He was not looking forward to this night at all, with a tedious meeting followed by what he hates. Now it was looking up before he crashed back into reality. “I have a meeting that I have to attend. Will you wait for me?” Leilani grabs his large hand, his button-up shirt sleeve is rolled up, exposing his strong forearms. Angling his large white gold watch so she can look at the time. She shakes her head. “Unlikely, we have to fly out in six hours and I have an itch that needs scratching” Connor leans forward, the thought of her finding someone else to scratch that itch does not sit well with him at all. Connor, the man that thinks everything through analyzing every decision, considers all consequences and never makes a rash decision blurts out. "Come with me then" Leilani sits back slightly as she looks him over, with a single raised eyebrow, she looks at him questioningly. "You want me to come to a meeting between Alphas?" While she is more than equipped to do such a thing, it is nearly unheard of. Even lunas, most of the time, are not invited to these sorts of get-togethers, let alone a random hookup. "I cannot in good conscience. Let you go to find someone else now and if that is what it takes to keep you with me, to be able to bury myself deep inside you, to see that n*ked body, to taste you, to touch you all the places I have ached to touch you since I walked into this venue" Leilani's face slightly scrunches as she considers the proposition. She has not found many that she is attracted to as she is to this man in front of her at any point in her life. But sitting with him in such a setting is overstepping the bounds of a single night hookup by 10,000 miles. "Are you absolutely sure that this is a good idea? As much as I want to be with you and I want all those things you just said, this is completely unprecedented. It is beyond rules and it's just generally a bad idea" "I am aware of that, yet it doesn't stop me wanting to do the same thing anyway" Leilani grinds softly on his er*ct member, sighing heavily because, even with the deal breaker, she can't seem to bring herself to say no. "This is a very bad idea, but I'm going to say yes anyway" "Good, but if it gets rough I need you to get out of there" Leilani laughs, pressing her lips softly against his. The slightest brush sends jolts of electricity through Connor's whole body, making him even more sure of his words. "That is not what I'm worried about at all, I can handle myself" Connor studies her slowly, looking at her delicate features and small body. It is hard to believe that, but looking at the fierce determination in her eyes and the fact that he can smell a lie from a mile away and the way she radiates power, even though it is in contradiction to her look. He tends to believe her. "Okay then" Leilani stands and he follows her up. “I am going to the bathroom. Can you go grab my bag from my brothers” Leilani hooks his chin with her index finger, with a gentle movement she manipulates his face, which is not easy for an alpha to allow, but he likes it. She looks directly into his eyes. He rarely gets to look into the color of an iris so intensely as there is usually some averting of gaze. “You better make it worth my time Alpha” Connor smiles with a spark in his eyes that is as rare as snow in the summer. “You have my personal guarantee, umm…..” Connor looks slightly awkward when he realizes he doesn’t actually know her name. Leilani places a finger on his lips. “No names” “What am I meant to call you in there?” Leilani shrugs nonchalantly as she dismounts him. “Surprise me” Connor watches her walk off with a smile on his face. What a firecracker. His beta steps forward. “Connor, do you think this is a good idea?” “I know what I am doing Harvey” “But how will you explain it?” “If I say I know what I am doing, I mean I know what I am doing” Harvey looks thoroughly unconvinced but cannot question his alpha further. Connor looks at the place that Leilani disappeared and looks back at his beta, who looks like he has one thousand other things to say, but thankfully, holds his tongue. “Harvey, if I missed out on this and asked you to compensate me with a girl of equal or greater value, you would be searching for one hundred years. She is smart. She won’t do anything that she isn’t meant to” “How do you know? You don’t even know her name” “Names are meaningless once you look in their eyes” A name is just something that is given at birth. It has no relevance to anything at all. Harvey can only cross his fingers and hope for the best as Connor stands and strides toward the elite squad with his men dutifully following him. The five stand from their seats pushing their dates to the side. “I am here for her bag” They speak in unison. After all these years, they work as a well oiled machine. “We know. She linked us” Connor raises his eyebrows in surprise. Three alpha bloods and two beta bloods within the same pack with no relation? Strange. Madden steps close. “You hurt her and we will make your death as drawn out as possible, you mark her and we will lock you up for the rest of your miserable existence. You kill her and you will be at the limit of your tolerance of pain for the rest of your natural born life. Even when you die, we will resuscitate you so we can bring you back and make you suffer more” The wolves behind Connor bristle at the threat to their alpha, but Connor remains calm.
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