Chapter 22

1658 Words

“Well, I didn’t get far into my plan, as you can tell, since, as you all thought it was so funny how I presented the first part of my plan, I didn't get much further than a failed seduction.” “You are the queen of seduction Lani. After all, you turned up looking homeless and still got the man” Lani laughs as she glares at Hudson. Connor’s arms tighten around Lani at the thought of her walking into seduce any random alpha. Even looking like she does at the moment, unkempt and slightly haggard. Lani at her worst is still more beautiful than a lot at their best. Are there many that could say no? Only Gabriel, with his head so far stuffed up his own ass, couldn’t see the value. He has never been so glad that the office door she opened this morning was his own. “So beyond that, since I am s

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