Episode 34 - OH MY GOD!!!! Nova's POV

1218 Words

I told Dax, Jaxon had came to see me, I didn't want to lie to him or keep secrets that's not the person I am, it's has been two weeks since I last seen Jaxon he message and called me a few times to see how I was, he said he would pop in when he had a moments peace from the magazine, it had been none stop with it coming up to Christmas, he sent me a picture of my Halloween sketch I did for him before I left and sent me one of the final magazine layout, he said he would also do the Christmas sketch I did, he sent me pictures of how Lee taking the photos and of the models dressed in their finary, it was great to see him so enthusiastic about something after everything he's been through, Dax had been finishing early and coming straight to mine, it was like we were already living together witho

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