Getting Closer

1965 Words

Everything in the forest is rushing past in a blur of greens and brown. If he stopped for even a moment, Jeremiah would be able to feel the sting of his bleeding pads. He would be able to regenerate as well, but there isn’t a damn thing in this world that is going to stop him now. Every time he does stop to smell her scent, he gets a whiff of the detestable elf as well. His jaw clenches tightly and he strikes out at the nearest object while he growls into the air ferociously. His nose is going wild and so is his wolf, growling and panting. Foaming at the mouth and tearing up the earth with his claws. Small plants and trees are flying out of his way as he barrels unwavering from his set course. The thought of seeing his mate was setting his soul on fire and the idea that he would actua

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