
2042 Words

Morning light fills the dim little cave as Rasmus rolls off of Mystara. They lay panting beside one another, both wearing satisfied expressions. They had not spoken about it, but not once had Rasmus spilt his seed inside of her. It is only partially clear to what his intentions are. Before they go further in any direction, Mystara finds herself wanting to know. “Rasmus, what do you plan to do with me now?” She asks, feeling her face flush with heat. After a long moment of silence, she wished she had not asked. “Mystara.. It’s complicated. I didn’t know this would happen when I took the job and made the commitment.” Rasmus says, as he sits up from her. “I can’t take you to my client, your supposed mate. He is a vile tyrant that would only treat you like a prisoner. I’m sorry I didn’t

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