
2116 Words

His fingertips move slow and careful over Mystara’s skin, making sure to cover each wound with the special green ointment. The salve is made from different plants and herbs. Rasmus pays extra attention to the long red harpy s***h on her upper leg. His hands move the material of her dress up her thigh. He can’t help but notice how beautiful she is with her pale skin against the vibrant green moss of the forest floor. When he is done tending to Mystara, he turns and walks to Mel. He begins to treat the slashes at her maw and neck. Through their mind link, Mel asks Rasmus if he thinks the witch is beautiful. She saw him looking at her. Rasmus laughs into the mind link and agrees that yes she is very beautiful, the Elven prince won’t be too disappointed. He then takes some of the unicorn rop

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