More Than A Howl

1994 Words

He finally untangles her scent in the forest as if it were a complex maze full of traits and turns. Some pathways are old while others are fresher, it was confusing and aggravating. The elf’s smell is particularly weaker now, almost as if she were walking alone. This gives Jeremiah a small bit of satisfaction, not caring what occurred to make it so. Hopefully he’s dead, though, there is no scent of blood in the air. And then.. He picks up a new scent.. Two new scents. Humans. Probably hunters, because they smell of smoke and leather, mixed with sweat and the forest. The alpha puffs his strong chest out and releases a low dark growl that could send his enemies running. His claws curl into the earth. How is this his f*****g luck?! How did all these mercenaries come to find out about his m

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