Chapter Twenty-Four The sound evoked a primal fear deep within my soul. In the part of my lizard brain that we all had, the part that told us that danger was near and we should run from it. That part of me was screaming at me to run, that I was in danger. Another side was telling me that I shouldn’t run, that if I did, he would chase me. That he would hunt me down and make me pay for trying to flee him. He was the thing of nightmares that people had hid from in caves. He was a dragon, but dragons weren’t real. I swallowed hard, resting my palms flat onto the top of the kitchen island. The marble countertop was cold beneath my clammy palms and I felt a cold sweat starting to pool on the back of my neck beneath my hair. This couldn’t be real. This wasn’t happening. I must have just mish