Chapter 3-2

1513 Words

RJ groaned when he heard his phone’s alarm clock. Six frigging in the morning! He turned off the alarm and moved to his left. Pad slept, face down, his face away from him, his head partially covered by the pillow. When did he get in? He checked his phone; the email confirmed he was approved to deadhead so he didn’t have to worry about going on stand-by or Non-Rev status. He had forty-five minutes to go through security and get in line for the flight to La Guardia. He moved over, placed his hand on Pad’s shirtless back, and moved his hand along the spine. He took his other hand and brushed the brown hair as he nudged closer and whispered in Pad’s ear. “Hey, babe, I’m going to New York. I’ll be back later tonight.” Pad moaned still fighting to stay asleep. RJ bent over a little more an

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