Chapter 6 - Trespass

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Myra's POV Aunt Susy walked in front through the woods. I used my phone torch to follow her without stumbling on anything. I followed aunt Susy with the backpack. I could hear Sophia dragging that trolley bag behind me. I can't believe that they are risking their life just for me. It's really hard to walk through the woods and that too in the dark. I could feel burning sensation wherever the branches scratched my skin. But it's nothing in front of the pain in my heart. I am walking away from my family, my world. After about 10 minutes of walking I felt really tired but seeing aunt Susy and Sofia, I didn't show them my weakness. We again walked for about 20 minutes until I saw some lights. It was actually the street light from a nearby road. As we reached near the car, Sofia took out the car keys and loaded my bags in the boot. "Dammi le chiavi della macchina, guiderò" Aunt Susy asked Sofia to give her the keys and she will drive. Sofia gave the car keys and got inside with me in the back seat. "Myra darling, just hide yourself if there is any checking on the way. I hope we would reach home before the truck leaves." Aunt Susy said taking the car on to the road. Luckily, there wasn't any checking on the way. We reached Sofia's house within 10 minutes. Sofia helped me to get inside the house without being noticed by anyone. There wasn't anyone as it's midnight but she didn't want to risk my life. What an anomaly, she is trying to save my life while I am putting her life in danger. She took me to her room. "Go and freshen up. I'll get you someone to wear." Sofia said. "I am fine Sofia, I will just go and wash my face. There is no need to change the dress." I said, "Look at yourself in the mirror darling, your top is torn." She said and I looked at myself. She is right, my top is torn by the branches. I looked at my jeans. It's not torn but it's become muddy. "I will get mine from the bag." I said, "Myra your bags are in the car boot. It's not safe to take out your bags. I'll give you mine." She said and went to her cupboard. By the time she came back I went to the washroom and washed myself. I came out wearing her bath robe. She had already kept a pair of jeans, t-shirt and jacket on the bed. I quickly got changed and Sofia came in at the same time. "Myra, listen to me carefully. The jean and jacket you are wearing have hidden pockets. You can keep your money inside it so no one could find it easily. I mean I don't believe my neighbours. They might even check your bags, so be careful. I am sure, Mom is going to ensure your safety before she entrusts them with you." She said, I checked the secret pockets and was shocked to find some Euros in it already. I looked up to ask Sofia about the money but she was no where to be found. I went out and saw Sofia coming from the kitchen with two bottles of water. "You will need this. I'll keep them in your backpack." She was about to go outside and I stopped her. "Sofia there some money inside the pocket." I said taking out the money. "Keep it inside. I know your father have already given you money but I don't want you to struggle because of money. I will be right back." She didn't gave me any chance to refuse. How am I going to repay them? I don't know what's going to happen in my life but I am happy that I had a beautiful life until now. I went back to Sofia's room, and took the money my father gave from my jeans pocket. I put them safely inside the secret pocket of my jeans and the money Sofia gave inside the secret pocket of the jacket. Then I went back and waited for them on the couch. "Honey, they have agreed to take you but you have to hide in between the vegetables. It's about three hours drive. Will you be okay darling?" Aunt Susy asked. "It doesn't matter, I will be fine. You please don't worry about me." I said, "Then let's go. They are about to leave." She said and went to her room. "Take care and don't call anyone before you make yourself safe. If you want to tell me anything just send a mail to my private account. But remember to create a new one for yourself first. Don't worry about your family, I will take care of them." Sofia hugged me. "I will miss you." "I will miss you too. After I leave just go and take a nap or else you will be a mess on your first day at work. Ti auguro il meglio." I wished her best of luck and placed a kiss on her cheek. Aunt Susy came with a packet and asked me to follow her. I bid my farewell to Sofia and went behind her. She first went to her car boot and got my bags. I helped her carry them to the truck parked at a distance. A short woman probably in her late forties or early fifties were standing behind the truck. "Susy, you didn't say about the luggages. It will cost more than just your ruby necklace." The woman said as soon as we were in earshot. "Don't be so greedy Camilla." Aunt Susy said, "Come on darling, we are taking such a big risk. If we gets caught, we will be banned for lifetime for entering the boundaries of France. So whatever you give is never enough. Don't waste my time bargaining or else we are leaving without taking your guest." The lady named Camilla threatened. "Fine, what do you want?" Aunt Susy asked. "Give me your bike." I was startled with her demand. She is asking for the bike of her late husband. Aunt Susy has been keeping it in her husband's memory. She didn't sell it even when she became homeless. "No, please ask something else. It belongs to her late husband." I requested. "Ahh, if you care so much then give me whatever valuable you have." She said with a cunning smile. "Fine, I will give you a bike. But you have to give your word. You will not ask for anything more from her." Aunt Susy said, "Yeah, I promise but keep the keys ready when we return." Camilla said, "Aunt Susy, you don't have to give her the bike. It's so precious for you." I tried to back her from her word. She came and hugged me and whispered in my ear. "I said that I will give a bike and my bike. I'll give her another one. That's not a problem. Promise me, you will not give a penny to these scoundrels." I nodded my head. "Now hurry up, we don't have a whole day for your drama." Camilla barked. I got inside the truck and aunt Susy gave me my bags. I placed it carefully below one of the boxes and settled behind two boxes filled with vegetables. I waved at aunt Susy before the truck started moving. I don't know if ever I will be able to see them again. I don't even know whether I will return back to Italy. Tears flowed down my cheeks as the truck gained speed. I didn't know when I drifted off to a slumber in the position I sat. I woke up with a jerk. My head hit somewhere hard. It was still dark inside the truck. I rubbed my forehead and searched for my phone inside my pocket. No, I am not searching it to call anyone. I just wanted to check if something happened to my forehead or not. I have just brought my phone removing the sim card with me. I could feel severe pain up there. I took out my phone and was about to light it up when a beam of light started to fall inside the truck. That's when I realised that the truck is at some checkpoint and they are checking inside the truck. I hid myself as much as I could behind the boxes and tried not even to breathe. After checking first few boxes in the front, the gave permission to move forward and the truck started to move. After sometime I took out the phone and checked the time. It's six in the morning but it's still dark outside. The truck ran for another half an hour and stopped at next check point. I could see two guards coming to check inside. But this time they chose to enter the truck and check. I heart stopped beating at the sight of the guards. I will be caught any moment. I closed my eyes shut and waited for my fate. But to my surprise they just took a box and got down the truck. The truck started to run again. Another twenty minutes later, the truck stopped. I thought it was another check point. But this time Camilla came to the back and said, "Hey, girl come out." I somehow stood up. My legs had become numb due to sitting on the floor. I stumbled when I took my feet up. With the help of side of the truck, I walked to the front and got down and took my bags. "This is Briançon in France. We can just drop you hear. Remember not to tell our names even if you get caught. I love your jacket. If you want you can give me. I have promised Susy not to ask you anything." I was shocked to hear her words. I just tugged the jacket more closer to me and refused to give it to her. She was angry and so stomped her feet on the ground. Without sparing me a glance she went and got inside the truck. It moved as soon as she got in, leaving me alone on a deserted road.
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