CHAPTER 22. HAUNTED BY MY NIGHTMARES HARA LUCID NIGHTMARES. That's what they call it. Because in the nightmare I'm having at the moment, I'm aware that I'm dreaming, that I'm having another nightmare. And they weren't just any random nightmares, they were a reoccurrence of my past with Roland. * I'm walking down a lonely alley with a bag of groceries. I took this route to get home faster. Roland texted me half an hour ago that he was hungry and I should get my ass back home quickly. I almost bolted out of the mall at his text but I was yet to buy half the things I needed. I tried to be a lot faster, but it's been half an hour already. I'm terrified of what his reactions would be that I hadn't returned home at the exact time I got the text. I have to hurry back. I started sprinting an