Chapter Nine

1802 Words

Chapter Nine David steps from the realtor’s office, eager to return to the hotel to phone Megan. It is not a call to be made before a room full of attorneys. After all, with Megan he is ‘William Sutherland’ and in so announcing himself he would not wish to cast suspicion on the million dollar transaction just completed. Ironically he hears the name ‘William’ being called in English and looks to see the voluptuous Iowan sitting across the street with a cold drink. He smiles, waves and crosses to join her. “I was just returning to the hotel to call you.” “It’s boring sitting there all alone. I took a walk and got thirsty.” Megan has been at the bistro for two hours assuring that ‘Bad Boy’ would not escape the trap. Small talk ensues. David’s lust slowly grows. The thought of plucking f

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