Chapter Six

1626 Words

Chapter Six Macumba listens to radio chatter on the open frequency for the western Mediterranean. “We just passed the Rock and saw some guy butt f*****g a drop dead gorgeous bimbo, right on the deck,” the salty voice of an excited sailor announces for all the world to know. “Had the babe bent over the port rail.” Macumba smiles confidently. It can only be ‘Bad Boy’ topping off his deviate antics by anally taking one of his concubines in full public view. The man is a pig. In contemplating such blatant misogyny, any reservations she had about joining Heather’s mission completely dissipate. The promised monetary reward becomes secondary. ‘Bad Boy’ is indeed a bad boy, and he needs to meet some bad girls. He will. “They’ve apparently just passed the Rock, Heather. That puts the schooner a

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