19. Deposition-2

2738 Words

“Those are variable message boards. You have seen those, right?” “Yes. Yes, I have.” “Do you know if the message board was on at the time you had, you and Fredrick had a crash?” “I don't remember.” Tyrell was exasperated by Carlos’s repeated responses that he had no memory of certain aspects of the accident. The exasperation worsened his cough. He reassured himself, however, that the jury would not be pleased as well. “Well, let's assume that you got on at the closest ramp, wherever that was, and you were heading back towards Scottsdale Road. And you were on the 202, right?” “Correct.” Carlos nodded as he tried desperately to follow Tyrell’s questions. “And you are in the crash truck?” “Yes.” “And you are by yourself?” “Yes.” “Did you pass any signs that said anything about

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