
1456 Words
Liana's pov I am late, very late. Today's my 20th birthday and my mom asked me to come home before 8 pm. She wants to celebrate my new age with a warm homely party. It's past 8 and I am running on the empty forest road surrounded by trees and not a single soul to look at. November is always empty in Velverine because wolves don't prefer cold. A white kitten stuck in a tree branch needed my help. Mom will freak out when she sees my new pet in my denim jacket's pocket but on the other hand, Dad will take my side for sure. I am counting on him, I always do, especially when I need Mom's permission for my weird decisions. The cat is lonely and I need a friend, so why not??? After quite a marathon run… I finally reached home and a breath slips free of my lips. “Let's do it.” My lips murmur. My fingers move up to the doorbell but stop before pressing it. “That's strange!” The door is open and an eerie sensation crawls over my skin. I gulp and slowly open the door to the end. Taking a deep breath, my feet step inside. The walls, the glass windows, the fireplace, and everything in the living room speak of Mom's perfect decoration. There are golden balloons all around the room, a chocolate cake on the small glass table in front of the red couch, my cute pictures from childhood veiling the four white walls, and a mirror ball on the ceiling spreading colorful lights throughout the room, including the floor. The wall opposite the main door is flashing a big Happy Birthday banner in golden color, matching with the balloons. “Mom?” “Dad?” My voice calls out to them, but no response from their side. “Mom? Where are you?” All of a sudden, the white kitten jumps out of my denim jacket's pocket and runs over to the kitchen. “Hey! Kitty!” I shout. My feet follow her to the kitchen and find her next to red dark blood rolling on the white marble floor. “Oh my God!” I pick up the kitten from the floor and snuggle her close to my chest. My anxious steps circle the kitchen island and reach a spot by the window. My eyes widen at the sight. Two people covered in blood lying unconscious next to each other right under the window. “MOM” “DAD” Tears roll down my eyes and I drop the kitten from my hands onto the floor. She stays silent as my cry fills the air. My legs kneel on the floor and slowly crawl over to their side, brushing through the dark blood on the floor. “Mom” “Wake up, please!” “Dad” “Open your eyes!” I rest my head on Mom's chest and cry my lungs out while holding Dad's cold palm in my hand's strong grip. “Wake up, please!” “You two can't leave me like this!” “Please!” “Open your eyes!” . . . A few hours earlier… Every year on my birthday I visit a church in the main town for good blessings. My family doesn't live in the main town because omegas are never treated well by the other powerful titles. Velverine town, near Seattle. The town is surrounded by deep forests, lakes, and high cliffs. Not to mention rain always pours here at unexpected times. There are not one, but five wolf clans that rule the town. My family belongs to the Crest Moon clan or should I say we are never really accepted by our clan. My parents run a small flower shop and on orders deliver flowers to the main town for weddings, parties, or any other occasions. This was our only interaction with the people of our clan. Even in Wind Falls College, I am invisible, with no friends at all. A nobody omega already in the sophomore year who sits on the last bench and hides from everyone. No one knows Liana Baker. I step out of the church and head towards the coffee shop across the church street, yet a strong force pushes my shoulder and my feet tremble for a second. “Oh! So sorry!” A cracked voice reaches my ears. My head turns to the voice and an old man probably in his sixties catches my attention. His weak body is shrouded in a black blanket, whereas a white bandage is covering his left eye. “Are you hurt?” He asks. “No, don't worry about it.” I smile. He furrows a brow. “Your scent is very unique and so is your blue hair.” Words come out of his mouth. “Huh?” My face flashes a confusing look. Unexpectedly, He grabs my right arm and pulls me closer only to sniff my neck. “What are you doing?” I snarl. His grip refuses to free my arm. “Let me go!” I snarl again. He frees my arm and smiles wickedly. “You're going to be in so much trouble, young lady!” His devilish tone whispers inches apart from my face. My heart drops to my stomach and I run away from him as far as possible. Coming to a safe spot, my feet stop and a breath slips free of my lips. “What a weird man!” . . . Present time… The cops are now standing in every room of my house. I could hear the police van siren outside and see red-blue lights flashing on the trees. “We're taking your parents' bodies with us and will arrange a funeral for them after the postmortem report comes out.” One of the cops mutters, sitting next to me on the couch. The soft cloth of the couch wrinkles as he adjusts himself. I am in denial, in agony, and fuming with rage, all at the same time. The only two people in my life left me alone. “Do you have any relatives?” The cop asks. “No” “Anyone who will take you in?” “No” The cop rubs his forehead worriedly. “Then we will have to send you to a foster home, darling.” I brush my tears from my cheeks and look into his calm eyes. “Do you know anything about The Night Wolves?” My mind has been curious ever since my fingers picked up the black card from the kitchen floor next to my parents' dead bodies. The Night Wolves is written with a golden pen on a small black card and no more details except the name. “Never heard of it. Why?” He answers with a question. “Uhm…nothing!” Luckily, the cop stays silent after that, and I don’t ask him anything either. The cops will never investigate my parents' murder with sincerity. An omega's life means nothing to them and in the end, the case will be lost in a pile of files covered in dust. Another cop interrupts our conversation and asks me a few more mandatory questions like if my family has enemies or if I am suspicious of anyone in particular. My answer to his every question was no. He writes down a few things in a yellow notepad and leaves with his team in their police van, taking my parents' bodies with them in an ambulance. The situation hits me as soon as the house comes back to emptiness. The kitten is sleeping on the couch, whereas I step into the kitchen again and stare at the blood all over the floor. I have yet to clean the blood. My fingers take out the black card from my jacket's pocket and move it closer to my teary eyes smudged in my mascara. Our family was simple and never had any enemies. It was just the three of us living in our own world. Why would someone kill my parents??? “The Night Wolves” My lips read the name again. It sounds like a secret society or an organization. I crush the card in my palm's grip and throw it in the dustbin. The Night Wolves appears to be the only answer leading to the truth behind my parents' death. “Mom and dad” “Whoever did this to you, did this to us, will face the same fate as you both. I will find them and kill each one of them with my own hands, I promise.”
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