Chapter 7

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Miles Liam and I walked into our usual bar, saying goodbye to some people we knew, we all went to the same college. I went over to the counter and ordered a beer for myself and one for Liam who sat next to me, looking at the dance floor and elbows on the counter. I sat down, turning my back on the track while I was waiting for my beer. I saw Liam looking around, looking for something, or someone. I knew exactly who he was looking for. The dark beauty who stole his heart, or rather his c**k. I knew full well that Liam thought he was in love, but he really wasn’t. He had only had one love in his life, and that love was still there, even though he believed he was gone. But it wasn’t, I knew it. He believes it because for a year he did not see my sister, he was convinced that he had forgotten her, but now that she was back, it would take a while before getting lost again behind her. I was just hoping my twin would notice him and let go of her obsession with Axel, which obviously wasn’t for her. Axel always seemed worried about something else, someone else in particular. I didn’t know if Liam noticed, I hoped he didn’t, and it was very likely, otherwise, Axel would end up with a clean d**k. I didn’t understand how he did it, how something like this was possible, and yet I saw it in his eyes, just as I saw it in Emma’s own eyes. Honestly, I didn’t care what they did or didn’t do, it was their f*****g business, but if they’d put my sister in the middle, if they’d hurt her, they’d have to deal with me. No one touches my sister and makes her suffer without the consequences. Liam stood next to me and went to occupy a table that had just opened, while I paid for our drinks and got up, and headed to the table. As soon as I turned around I bumped into someone, I immediately lifted the glasses to prevent them from falling off, but the person I collided with was not so lucky, so much so that she threw her cocktail on herself, completely wetting the dress she was wearing. I looked at her as a mortified gasp came out of her lips, her body stiffed as she watched the disaster that had befallen her. The flowered dress with a V-neck was stuck on her and completely soaked with what to my nose looked like vodka, the tip of her light brown hair was wet and stuck behind her while droplets fell on her chest, to the furrow of the firm and voluptuous breasts. I froze, immobilized by the unpleasant meeting "Oh f**k" hiss and she looked up, I collided with the girl’s overseas blue eyes, shiny, almost as if she was about to cry "I’m sorry a lot, f**k," I said turning and placing the glasses on the bench. I took a handful of napkins and you turned to her who hadn’t moved an inch, motionless as if she was afraid to even take a single step. Without wasting time, I began to pass her napkins on the uncovered part that was soup, while grumbling my apologies. "Forget it, you moron!" She blurted out as if she had awakened from the trance, tore my napkins out of her hand, and left, giving me a shoulder as she passed me. I was amazed to watch her disappear into the crowd. She didn’t even give me time to apologize and pay her back for the cocktail I dropped. Bitch. I picked up the glasses and went to the table where Liam was staring at the track bored, his chin resting on his hand while his forefinger was tapping on the wooden table. I put the glass in front of him and I sat down. "You made it! I thought you were making these f*****g beers!" he exclaimed bored. I rolled my eyes and saw him swallow a big sip of beer. I frowned at the glass in the air and looked at him. "Were you thirsty?" I asked him when he put the glass half empty on the table. "I need alcohol," he replied. "What is it? Did you realize that your beauty is f*****g guys behind your back?" I asked ironically but not so much. I knew Ellen wasn’t a loyal chick, even though she and Liam weren’t exactly together, but Liam was loyal to her while, she loved to shove any d**k in her mouth or p***y, and then she claimed to love Liam. How can you betray the person you love? I couldn’t even look at other women because my whole being belonged to Alison. Liam looked at me frowning, "Don’t bullshit," he hissed with gritted teeth. His eyes darted, proving that I had pissed him off. Oh oh oh, what’s up big bad boy? You don’t accept the truth? "If you say so," I said, starting to drink *********** Liam greeted me in a hurry as he ran towards his car with the phone attached to his ear, probably talking to his slut who had gotten rid of the lover who had warmed his bed up just before. I sighed and put my hands in my pocket as I walked toward the car. My ears caught screams, a fight. I turned to a back alley to find a boy and, surprised by the surprises, the girl I’d bumped into a few hours earlier. They were arguing, and the boy grabbed her wrist, and pulled her at him, while she tried to free herself. Why me? "Let me go," she said, tugging her arm from her grip. "No! You said that to the asshole who f****d you before?" he hissed. "I didn’t f**k anyone," she said. "Ah no? And what are those marks on her breasts? Did you like it?" he said, tugging at her again. "Leave me!" she cried. "Hey! I think she told you to leave her," I suddenly said, unable to contain myself. Both their heads turned to me, the girl looked up at me as he snorted bored. "Don’t get in the way," he said, tugging at the girl and pulling her as he began to walk. She complained, and when they passed me, I grabbed the hand holding her and squeezed it, forcing him to let her go, once he let go I grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him with all the strength I had against the wall, feeling the thud of his back coming into contact with the bricks of the building next door. "When a woman says no, it’s no" I hissed. I didn’t admit to such behavior towards women, and it certainly wouldn’t have passed before my eyes. The boy groaned in pain as I turned to the girl, putting my hands in my pocket. "Thank you," she said shyly. She nodded and I put a hand on her back while I accompanied her out of the constraint, I approached the road and looked around me as she leaned against me as if I wanted to make a shield with my body. "Be more careful next time," I said without looking. She sighed "It won’t happen again, thanks again, and sorry for earlier, I shouldn’t have snapped like that when you were so kind". I looked down at her and found her watching me, eyes that thanked me more than words could shake my head, and sighed. "Don’t worry, I’m used to bitches," I said in all honesty. "Are you calling me a b***h? I might be offended!" she said, pretending to be hurt. I laughed and shook my head as I heard my phone vibrating in my room, ignoring it. The girl turned to me and stood in front, crossing her arms behind her back as her eyes met mine. "How about a drink? Maybe you could repay me for the drink you spilled on me," she winked. I raised an eyebrow and answered when my phone kept vibrating in my pocket. I caught him and I saw that Ali was texting me, it never happened. I looked up and saw that the girl was looking at me waiting. "I’m sorry but I have to pick up my sister," I said lying, I don’t know why I did it, yet that lie turned out to be so right to say. I reach out an arm and I stop a cab and open the door. The girl looked at me almost disappointed then sighed, stood on the tips, and gave me a slight kiss on the cheek, before entering the taxi and closing the door. I watched the taxi leave and disappear among the other cars. I took the phone and unlocked the screen and then entered the chat with Ali, it was full of her messages that complained about anything but, what caught my attention was the last. I need you, please come. I don’t know why, but that message made my heart ache and I didn’t think twice about going to my car like there wasn’t a tomorrow.
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