Chapter 5

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Megan I was stunned to observe my reflection on the screen after Emma had hung up on me without giving me a chance to say anything. I sighed a little disappointed. I didn’t expect much, but at least a little help from my best friend, even more so after Emma knew how much I was waiting for this evening and how much I had dreamed of it all my life, yet she didn’t seem the slightest bit interested in giving me any support. Emma was strange, in recent times she had become more and more closed. Our journey together in Europe should have brought us closer, made us even more united than we already were, yet, the more the days went by, the more I felt that she closed in on herself, She was hiding something from me that was hurting her, and I had tried so hard to get her to open up, to get her to tell me what was making her so sad, what was ailing her so much, but after a year, I didn’t know. I sighed and opted for a skirt and a top, I didn’t want to give the impression of wanting to undress immediately, which I really wanted to do, but I didn’t want this to be reduced to an evening of friends because it certainly wasn’t. I put on my black stockings and then the short red skirt that reached up to the navel, I wore the top with a sweetheart neckline and short sleeves, a top that left a portion of my belly exposed, and then I switched to makeup. Not too heavy, but visible. I did so to highlight my clear eyes, I passed a little lip gloss and combed my hair, loosening the curls I had done just before and making sure that the hair took on natural waves. I stood in front of the mirror of my room and looked closely at myself. "Head high, gaze fixed and seductive, tonight is the night of stars, Megan," I said to myself in the mirror while biting my lower lip. I took a deep breath and looked back, looking carefully for the slightest mistake. It was at that moment that my phone rang and immediately I rushed to get it, almost throwing myself on the bed. I’m down here. Axel wrote to me and immediately my heart jumped and my breath accelerated. Butterflies fluttered in my belly and threatened to make my legs tremble more than they already did. I grabbed my purse and I slipped in my apartment keys and my wallet, and then I left my room and went towards the entrance. Our apartment was noisy and I could hear my dads arguing in the kitchen about who would cook that night, they were always arguing to prove who was better but we all knew that eventually, we would order takeout. A smile popped into my face as I went to the kitchen to greet them. Dad Lucas was trying to take a pot out of Dad Devon’s hands, his face was pouty, pulling as hard as he could, but he couldn’t because Dad Devon was stronger and more placed than him. "I’m going!" I said, and the heads of both of them snapped at me. Dad Devon let go of the pot, so suddenly, Dad Lucas, who was still pulling, was thrown back, almost slamming into the fridge. "Hey!" he complained as he set up his apron with a half-naked athletic body on it. Yeah, Dad was one of those people. "Have fun, love," Dad Devon said, completely ignoring Dad, "Don’t be late." "Use condoms," Dad Lucas added, making me laugh as Dad Devon snapped at him and looked at him frowning. "Really Lucas? Is that your great advice as a father?" he blurted outraged. "Oh shut up, don’t you think she’s planning a fire night dressed like that?" "Don’t talk about our baby like that" "A baby who’s hooked up with who knows how many European hot guys in a year. Please. She’s not a kid!" Dad Lucas said. I rolled my eyes and tried not to laugh too much. It always ended like this. While Dad Devon gave me a schedule every time I went out, Dad Lucas used to stick condoms in my purse. When on our birthday dad Devon gave me something, dad Lucas made me wake up with a s*x toy on the pillow, a s*x toy that would be added to the immense amount of s*x toys that I had in my drawer and that I kept hidden by dad Devon, otherwise he would have a crisis. "Let her have a good time before September and start college again because that’s not an option," Dad Lucas warned me with a raised finger. "I know Dad," I said as I approached him and kissed him on the cheek of both of them before leaving the kitchen, only to hear them start fighting again. Miles, my twin, and I were still living with our dads, even though most of our peers were already working and living on their own, even though they were still in college, We preferred to stay home and take advantage of these last few years before starting the real job. Miles would graduate next year in economics while I, who had followed the same path, would graduate a year later, having decided to take a gap year and travel. We weren’t a very rich as Dare and the Spring family, but we couldn’t complain. When we were little and our dads had adopted us, they had made a thousand sacrifices to give us the best, followed at a distance by social workers after our mother had left us for adoption. Our dads worked hard to get what they got. When we were ten, we moved into this apartment near Dad Devon’s place of work. The apartment was more than comfortable for us, which allowed us to have separate rooms. I loved Miles, she was my half, but as the years went by, I needed my space, my order, and my things. I remember how happy I was when my dads took me to pick out room supplies, and how I helped them paint and fix everything. I had always been a happy child. When I started going into adolescence, I started doing some work, like babysitting and the weekend in a bar, so I could put some money aside, I always saved up for as long as I can remember, and I always kept all the money they gave me at birthdays, creating a nice nest egg that then allowed me to make that wonderful trip to Europe. I never regretted spending my money like that, on the contrary. I walked into the living room and I found Liam sitting on the couch with a joystick in his hand while my brother wasn’t even there. Yes, Liam. The same guy who was completely devastated the night before by who knows what s**t he got. I had to admit that seeing him like that with that girl who didn’t seem to want anything to do with him hurt me. I knew Liam since we were kids, we all grew up together, and we knew each other so well, for a while there I thought Liam had a thing for me. I liked having him around, he had always been a pure and good person, maybe sometimes a little exuberant, but after all, he had always been good, like Emma. I don’t know what happened that year, but Liam had changed and I didn’t like that new version of him, I didn’t recognize him anymore. There was nothing about the sunny, sweet boy who consoled me every time I hid somewhere, sad about anything, the guy who every year on Women’s Day gave me a rose and chocolate, That guy who helped me do my gymnastics in high school and covered for me every time I lied to get out of class. There was nothing left of my Liam. What I had in front of me now was a cold, empty Liam, ready to jump into total self-destruction, all for the love of a woman who didn’t seem to show the same interest. I had only seen her once to understand it, let’s say that the tongue in the mouth of another had helped. I approached the sofa and leaned against the back with my elbows. Liam was on his cell and he was texting so fast, that he didn’t even realize I was there. I peered into the chat, intrigued and annoyed at the same time, the chat belonged to a girl, Ellen with a black heart. Liam would ask her where she was, and she would write that she was in her room and then send him a picture of her boobs. God, that sucks. But Liam was complaining that he thought that picture was old and that she was lying to him and she wasn’t really at home. If she knew she was a liar, why did she keep running after her like a puppy dog? Is it possible that no one had pushed him away from that b***h yet? "You’re very focused," I said suddenly, blowing on the skin of his neck. Liam screamed frightened and threw his phone in the air, turning his head towards me with his eyes wide open. His green eyes were clearer today, unlike the black holes I had the displeasure of meeting yesterday. "What are you doing here?" he asked, bringing a hand to his chest. I put my head on one hand and raised an eyebrow "I live here" I answered. "Yeah, I know. But s**t, Meg, you scared the s**t out of me." "You were so focused," I said, laughing. I bent down and left him a kiss on the cheek, his perfume completely invaded my senses and caused me something inside that I could not explain exactly, a rare and strange sensation, unique in its kind. I got up and walked away towards the entrance. "Where are you going?" Liam asked me from behind. I looked over his shoulder and I saw a particular twinkle in his eyes, for a moment the sweet look of my Liam seemed to have returned, but it only lasted a few seconds, before the hard and empty look returned, despite the hint of a smile on his face. "I have a date," I said shrugging, "Be careful, Miles tends to cheat while playing," I warned him. Liam turned to the television and then he looked back at me, he smiled wide and his stomach ached, he had a very nice smile, he should have smiled more often, it wasn’t good when he was dark. "Thank you!" he said cheerfully, "Have fun!" he added. I nodded and I went to the entrance. I put on my boots and took the hanging jacket. He quickly left the house and then the building, finding Axel parked right in front of him. The face was illuminated by the screen of the phone she was looking at, his forehead frowning. My heart started pumping again and I literally hopped over to his car. I hit my knuckles on the window and Axel’s head snapped towards me, he smiled kindly at me. A smile dedicated only to me and me, cheerful and bouncing, I made the turn of the car and I approached the passenger seat, before opening I took a deep breath and I gave strength mentally, to then open the door and enter, I immediately approached Axel and threw my arms to his chest, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Axel laughed cheerfully, it was the most beautiful sound in the world, my heart did somersaults in my chest. "To what do we owe all this joy?" asked Axel as I tied my belt. "I’m happy to go out with you," I admitted "You?" I asked looking at him. "So did I," Axel nodded, and I smiled. "Good!" I said clapping "Towards dinner!" I exclaimed enthusiastically. Axel laughed again and set it in motion. This was my night.
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