Chapter 34

1826 Words

Alison I took a sip of my beer while I watched the bodies wiggle around the track. People were wild, everyone seemed to have fun including Emma and Megan who were dancing and laughing on the dance floor. Everyone was happy except me. I didn’t want to be there, I wasn’t interested in being there, I wasn’t interested in having fun. I felt a pain in my chest that I could not control, I felt as if a part of me had broken. I saw people happy and I couldn’t be happy, I couldn’t. I couldn’t feel anything now more than ever. That one part of me, that I knew had feelings for her, left with Miles, and I knew it was my fault. I knew it was me pushing him away, and maybe it was for the best. Nothing lasts forever and Miles was just something trivial in my life, unnecessary. I had to prove it. Mi

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