
1280 Words

"Oh, Alistair," a woman playfully teases, her voice filled with amusement. "You truly are a wild and eccentric character!" Sipping his wine, the observer watches as Alistair's antics unfold from a distance, finding them intriguing for a magistrate. He certainly doesn't fit the typical mold. Seated beside him is his younger wife, Maurine, who appears much younger, approximately twenty years his junior. With her short blonde hair, mid-forties age, and captivating blue eyes, she possesses a gentle and endearing charm. Clad in a modest baby blue dress, she remains quiet throughout the conversation, her gaze darting hesitantly between her husband and her lap. The observer can't help but frown as they notice the sadness in her expression. Their heart aches for her, to be married to such a dete

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