
1090 Words

His eyes narrowed, jaw clenched, as he averted his gaze, lost in silent contemplation. Emerald sensed the gravity of the situation, realizing that her next move could be pivotal in determining her fate. With her life hanging in the balance, she knew she had to act swiftly to avert any potential harm. Avoiding clichés that could worsen the situation, she opted for a different approach. Gently, she raised her hand, resting it against the stubble on the side of his face, guiding his attention back to meet her gaze. As a tear welled in his eye, she furrowed her brows with genuine concern, urging him to open up and reveal his true self. "Let me in, Oliver... lower those barriers and share with me what truly burdens you... please. I want to understand the real you," Emerald implored, her words

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