
1255 Words

Hanzo POV. Hanzo watches as Jessamae glides away, making her way to the balcony upstairs. She remains unaware of his presence, but his gaze remains fixed on her. He feels compelled to follow her delicate movements as she disappears through the back, her eyes downcast, burdened by the weight of her thoughts. Despite his urgency, Hanzo finds himself at a distance, unable to bridge the gap between them. He catches fleeting glimpses of the flowing hem of her black dress as it silently moves, accentuated by the gentle dance of light from the golden-tipped crystal chandeliers above. The realization dawns upon him, and he whispers softly to himself, perhaps as a means to soften the pain that is to come. Jessamae is bewitching, deserving far more than what he, a messed-up individual, can offer.

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