
1118 Words
Hanzo's grip tightens, and Jessamae finds herself in an awkward position, her back slightly arched over the ruched blankets, her backside uncomfortably positioned over his thigh. His body looms over her, one hand gripping her ankle, the other resting on her thigh. Oh, holy Mother Mary, Buddha, and Krishna, grant me strength! Her body begins to tremble and the intense heat from earlier returns with a vengeance. A liquid warmth builds between her thighs as pleasure unexpectedly cascades through her. She swallows the gasp that threatens to escape, her skin suddenly clammy. Oh God, no. She can't let this happen now! She finally finds the courage to speak, acutely aware of the intimacy that feels too close. And too good. "Alright," she breathes, yanking her foot away. "That's enough!" "Stop moving," Hanzo growls, his grip tightening as he pulls her foot closer to him for a better look. "I think there's something lodged inside." She hisses in frustration, the blood pounding in her temples, her skin aflame as she tries to pull away. Warm liquid trickles from her lips and over her backside. "I'm sure it's nothing!" "Stop being so stubborn. Or you'll make Nomer's job really easy when you get sepsis and die." He holds her in place as he leans over and retrieves a small knife, seemingly out of nowhere. The blade glints in the light, and a spike of alarm shoots through her. "Hold still!" Hanzo exclaims, a wide grin spreading across his face. Fear surges through her, and she struggles against him, her elbows pushing beneath her, but his grip on her thigh is unyielding. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?! And where did you get that?!" He raises the blade. "You never know when you might need a weapon. There's always one around here somewhere. Now stay still, Jessy. Don't. Move." "This is barbaric!" She protests as the tip of the knife inches closer to her foot. "Just leave whatever it is in there!" He chuckles, his grip firm and warm. "Stop being a wuss." "I am not a wuss. I don't want to be turned into a steak!" Jessamae's backside brushes against Hanzo's muscular thigh, and she gasps as waves of pleasure ripple from the back of her head, through her core, and into the tips of her toes. She tosses her head back against the sheets, desiring nothing more than to scream out. Please, God, smite him! "On the count of three!" Hanzo warns, his voice firm. "Three!" A sting of pain shoots through her foot as the knife penetrates her skin, and then, just like that, it's over. She ceases her struggles immediately, the fight now drained from her. Her shoulders slump in relief. That was quicker than she had anticipated. "Got it, it was a shard of metal. What did you step on?" She shrugs, her mind a whirl of thoughts. "Not sure, I thought it was a bottle cap at the time." Hanzo leans closer and shows her the fragmented piece of metal, the tip of the knife now dripping with blood from her foot. "It's dangerous having this type of shrapnel floating around in your bloodstream. It's a good thing we got it out." And then his gaze locks onto hers, and he freezes. Her heart momentarily stops beating. No. Please don't do it. Time seems to slow as Hanzo swallows forcefully, and his eyes flash downwards. Her heart pounds fiercely as her walls begin to ache. A new wave of desire awakens as warm liquid glides over her lips and down her thighs. And just like that, she's exposed. She knows he can see everything. He leans in closer, and she instinctively raises her legs, both feet now pressed against the muscles of his bare torso, blood smearing the side of his chest, his multiple scars pressing into her from underneath. "Don't do it, Hanzo," she warns, her voice barely a whisper. He places the knife onto the side table, his other hand squeezing her inner thighs from below. "I can't help but notice that you're highly strung now, Jessy." He slurs seductively - that infuriating dimple now creased against his cheek. "I can help with that if you like?" No, don't say that! She diverts her attention away in the hope it'll ease the desire to surrender, but soon finds herself drawn to him once more. She peers at him through half-lidded eyes. "I don't think that's such a good idea." He leans in closer; his head tilted slightly to the left. "I get it now." "Understand what?" Jessamae gasps as his fingers tighten their hold around her inner thighs. His fingers smear the juices into her skin, and she involuntarily shudders. "There's nothing to understand!" Her knees quiver beneath him as his fingers squeeze higher and higher. She gasps! Oh, this is too much! What is happening to her?! "You've never experienced an orgasm before, have you, Jessy?" Her eyes widen in shock, her mouth hanging open as stammers escape her like word vomit. "No, you isn't...." His fingers squeeze around her words, swirling, breaking down her walls like a sledgehammer. "It all makes sense now. All those late hours, all those years studying. Caring for your Grandpa..." Oh, who is she kidding?! It's true! Emerald has been pressuring her for years to fix this problem, and she's tried. She has! But- His fingers glide until they land directly millimeters from her core, and the blood pulses wildly beneath his fingers. "You never quite found the time, did you?" Yes. Exactly. Her cheeks flush with embarrassment. And then she recalls some dates a few years back that did result in s****l intercourse. Nothing that ended in fireworks, but it was consenting. And who cares if he knows the truth? She lifts her chin defiantly. "That's not true. I've had intimate experiences before! Plenty, in fact!" He chuckles, and his deep baritone rumbles through her. "Watching s*x and the City with your nine cats on a Sunday night doesn't count." She narrows her eyes, ready to tear him a new rhetorical hole, when his palms tighten against her, inadvertently spreading her lips apart. She gasps out loud. "Damn it." "Go on," he whispers, his chest pushing against the soles of her feet, the hard length of him wedged between her buttocks. He grins slyly. "Tell me how you really feel." Her head goes light at the sudden burst of friction. Oh...this is a dangerous, dangerous game... She whispers, her jaw dangerously loose, her voice seductively low. "I and dizzy. Is it normal to get this dizzy....every time?" She gazes up at him questioningly. "When you, you know, feel this way?"
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