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Rising to a grand height of three stories, the French-styled Château stands more like a castle than a home. Constructed from a blend of massive stone slabs and brick, its imposing presence engulfs us, even from a distance. Jessamae couldn't contain her excitement as the vehicle pulled up underneath the Porte cochère of the large manor estate. Her mouth hangs open in awe. This place is truly extraordinary! The roof of the Château is steeply pitched and adorned with intricate embellishments such as crests and finials. Various chimneys with decorated caps are scattered from one end to the other, made even more enchanting by terraced balconies, complete with climbing vines, and Victorian-styled sconces. The property is finished with a spectacular array of manicured gardens, which Jessamae can tell have been recently planted with fresh roses. Stepping out of the vehicle, the cold nips at her eyelids as she follows Hanzo's shadowed silhouette, staring in wonderment. This place... it's like something out of a fairytale... Hanzo unlocks the front door with a simple voice activation. "Open the damn door." Jessamae shakes her head. That's just like him. She takes a step back as two solid, giant iron-wrought slabs automatically glide open. Despite her earlier irritation, she can't help but be impressed. That's a neat trick. The mansion swallows them whole as they step inside, its sheer size immediately overwhelming Jessamae. Hanzo directs her to the portable phone situated on the hallway table, swallowed by the cavernous room, and lit only by the dimmest lamp. "You can call your Grandpa from here." Jessamae takes a seat in one of the French armchairs. "Okay, thanks." As she dials the number, she realizes the sun will be up in another hour. But to her surprise, her Grandpa picks up after just two rings. "Hello? Jessamae?" "Yes, it's me, Grandpa. Emerald didn't pick up, so I'm staying with a - a friend." "Hey, young one, would your companion be comfortable with you remaining here for a bit longer? I received a call from Teo earlier this morning. He's about to undergo a major open-heart surgery and he will require my assistance at his residence until he fully recovers. I apologize for the abruptness of this news." Jessamae turns towards Hanzo, patiently waiting for his approval before silently expressing her heartfelt gratitude. One obstacle has been successfully navigated, leaving only Emerald to be addressed. "Yes, he has given his consent. Do you require me to arrange for a plumber's visit tomorrow? Or have you already initiated a conversation with Mike?" "The what?" Grandpa inquires, his brow furrowed in confusion. "The water leakage?" Jessamae gently reminds him. "You had mentioned that the pipes had burst, remember?" "Oh, that incident!" He exclaims, realization dawning on him. "My apologies, it's been a rather chaotic morning. I've managed to fix it already. There's some residual water damage, but we can tackle that at a later time." "Really?" Jessamae expresses her surprise but also her relief. "That was resolved rather quickly, but I'm glad it's no longer a concern." "There's no need for you to worry," Grandpa reassures her. "Please don't forget to take your medication before you depart." "I will remember. I'll deliver a suitcase filled with some of your belongings in the morning before I make my way to the airport. Could you provide me with the address?" Hanzo shares the necessary details, and Jessamae relays them to Grandpa. "Hanzo has informed me that someone will be present there to receive it." "Alright then. Make sure to get some rest, young one." "I will." A peculiar sensation bubbles up in Jessamae's stomach, and for reasons unknown, she feels an urge to voice her feelings. "Hey, I love you, Grandpa. Please take good care of yourself while you're away." There's a pause from Grandpa's end of the line, and a sense of dread seeps into Jessamae. She has a hunch. He's concealing something. "I love you too, young one. We'll be in touch soon." After ending the call, Jessamae soon finds herself trailing behind Hanzo's towering figure, feeling akin to Quasimodo as she attempts to keep up with him. "So, is it solely you who resides in this grand and spacious mansion?" Hanzo's voice and the deep resonance of his footsteps reverberate through the sunken panels of the coffered ceiling, overwhelming Jessamae with their grandeur. "Mary stays on-site because of my schedule, but Theodore arrives at six and stays until I dismiss him." Jessamae wonders how they didn't realize it earlier. Everything about Hanzo exudes a contradictory nature, from the way he speaks to the way he dresses. It's clear that he comes from a wealthy background. Who else can afford luxury cars and private drivers? "It's a massive place for just one person." "There used to be other people who lived here." Judging by the tension in Hanzo's posture, Jessamae deduces that the reasons must be of great significance to evoke such an emotional response. Hanzo doesn't elaborate, and Jessamae refrains from probing further. "Thank you," Jessamae says, shivering as their feet touch the cool tiles below. "For allowing me to stay here. For your assistance. I know you didn't have to do this." Hanzo pauses mid-stride as Jessamae continues to follow him up a marble staircase, onto the second floor, and through an equally opulent hallway. "Nothing in this world is free," he mutters in response. "Not even this. You should already know that. How old are you? Thirty? You're practically ancient." Jessamae rolls their eyes at his childish remark. "Just so you know, I'm one of the youngest psychologists employed at the center." They mumble their age, hoping Hanzo doesn't hear how close he is to the truth. "I'm twenty-nine." "Sorry!" he replies. "I didn't catch that." Jessamae mumbles their response again, but Hanzo still can't seem to hear them clearly. "I'm sorry, you'll have to speak a bit louder." He stops in front of them, just as Jessamae yells out their age at the top of their lungs. "I'm twenty-nine-oomph!" They collide with his chest, receiving a face full of solid muscle. Glaring up at his towering figure, Jessamae meets his twinkling gaze and the smug smirk on his face. They clench their fist. Why, you!
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