
1233 Words

"Indeed, victory is yours!" Jasper echoes Jessamae's exultation, his expression matching her radiant grin. The jubilant spectators cluster around Jasper, their spirits bubbling over as they proceed to claim their rightful winnings. A few disgruntled murmurs come from those who had chosen to bet against Jessamae, including Carver, who is clearly unhappy about the wager's outcome. Jessamae finds the rockstar's vexation quite amusing and chuckles - poetic justice served well, she thinks. "You were the reason I was billed an unfortunate loss of two hundred bucks!" A particularly aggrieved Carver points an accusatory glare at Kip, who seems blissfully unaffected by the accusations and promptly surrenders to much-needed sleep in his chair. "Honestly, I couldn't be bothered less," he grumbles.

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