Ricci extended his hand for a handshake. Siena's gaze went to what he held in his other hand. "A Truce? With ice-cream?" She asked. "I mean, don't girls like ice-cream or something?"Ricci asked. "No," Siena replied."That's for after break-ups." Ricci let out a sigh."Tell me, what do you want?" Siena sighed too, shrugging. "Well you just apologized and called a truce so I will be nice tonight. Get me whatever you want. But food." Ricci gave her a short nod and went downstairs. Siena stood in the living room for a while, wondering what had come over Ricci. He was certainly being extra-nice to her after their argument earlier. Well, courteous was a good look on him. His action had surprised and impressed her. It was true that the mark of a strong person was being able to tell when you w