"But I did not," Siena replied. "And I give you credit for that," Ricci replied, leading the way to his car. "I have proven that I can work for you, have I not?" Siena asked then. "Yes, you have,"Ricci said and a smile tugged at his lips."Don't you want to know what position I have in mind for you?" Siena became suspicious then."What?"she asked warily. "Secretary," Ricci said."My secretary." He reached the car and tapped the key. It opened and he headed for the driver's side. Siena stood mouth slightly agape by the car. "Secre-what?" What kind of a diminutive position is that? Siena wondered. She entered the car and sat on the passenger side. "What the heck, Ricci?" She asked."What kind of a stupid position is that?" She could see it in his eyes. He was just looking for another