8. Crime

1515 Words
Aaliyah's POV Carson left after dropping me off. He fulfilled his promise that he will no longer meddle with my business and I am happy knowing that fact but some part of me aches because him not meddling in my business means he doesn't care. "Hey!" A blonde man approached me. I often saw him on the runway but we never had a chance to talk since I always leave early whenever my work is done. I am good at socializing before but I guess things changes as you get busy fixing your own life. "Hey," I greeted back then smiled at him to look more friendly. They always told me that I look intimidating and I wonder what made them think that way. Maybe because of my Spanish feature. "Aaliyah Augustus right?" he politely asked and I nod my head. "Liam Carter," he introduced himself then extended his hand. "I never thought I will have this chance to be this close to you," he playfully uttered then took a sip from his glass. "How long have you been modeling?" I asked so he won't feel that he is the only one carrying the conversation. I saw him smile when he heard my question. "I started when I saw you on a fashion show. A year I guess?" he responded unsurely. "What do you mean when you saw me?" I asked confused about the words he have uttered. "You are an inspiration, Aaliyah," he replied which made me laugh. "Cringe," I commented which made him laugh as well. We continued having a conversation until I felt a little bit tipsy. After a while, I felt his hands resting on my waist. I wanted to remove his hands but I felt my eyelids getting heavy. I have no strength to push him away and after a while, my eyes shut close but I am still aware of my surroundings. I felt someone lifting me from my seat. I wanted to utter some words and to move to stop him from moving but I no longer have control over my body. "We will have fun tonight Aaliyah," I heard Liam's voice whisper in my ear. After a while, I am disconnected from everything. I held my head tightly and I felt like it will break into two. I slowly open my eyes and my forehead creased when I saw an unfamiliar place. I sat on the bed and rested my head against the headboard. "Where am I?" I faintly asked as I roamed my eyes around. The room is black with a hint of wood and by just looking at the design I can tell that a man is on this. After a while, the door swung open and it revealed Liam, the man that I am with earlier. His dress shirt is unbuttoned. He looked at me intently and then scanned my whole body. "I am glad you woke up. Pleasuring you while you are still unconscious sounds boring," he uttered then slowly walked towards my direction and when he was close enough he stopped and held my chin. I met his eyes and fear run through my system when he smirk at me evilly. " Let me go please, " I beg but he just smiled at me and then shook his head. "Satisfy me first Aaliyah," he uttered then leaned his face closer to mine. I tightly closed my eyes and using all my strength I gave him a head butt. I quickly grabbed my bag on the side table of his bed. I am glad that I took this with me. I get off the bed and run outside while my hands are busy dialing Carson's number. "Save me please," I uttered when he answered the call. "Carson please," I beg while tears cascaded on my face. My phone fell on the floor when I felt a hand gripping my hair tightly and after a while, my body was dragged back to the room. Liam threw me on the bed then look at me using his eyes filled with anger. "How dare you leave me, Aaliyah!" He shouted and it echoed in the whole room. "Please let me go," I kept on begging but it seems like he didn't hear my pleas. Liam pinned me on the bed and then started kissing my neck aggressively. "Please let me go," I kept on begging in between my cries. After a while, I heard the sound of my dress being torn off. My cries became louder and my vision got blurry since tears filled my eyes. "Please let me go," I kept on begging but he continued harassing me. When I felt Liam's hand on top of my chest I turned my head to my side to look for possible things that I can use to save myself. My eyes landed on the lamp on his bedside table and without having any second thoughts I used it to hit his head. "Ahhhh!" he shouted in pain and I used that as a chance to push him away and run outside his room. "Aaliyah!" I heard him shout which made my body shiver in fear. Since I am unfamiliar with his place I have no idea where to go and running without any direction brought me to the kitchen. "Aaliyah!" I heard him shout so with a shivering body I grabbed the knife and the exact moment he entered the kitchen I raised the knife to his head level. "Don't you dare touch me or I will kill you," I firmly uttered but he just laughs at me and then took a few steps closer. I can no longer think straight and as he get closer and closer I felt the urge to stab him to protect myself and I did. I just found my hand that holds the knife tightly placed on his chest. With a shivering hand, I let go of the knife and looked at his face with blood dripping from his mouth. "I'm sorry," I uttered, and after that, my body started to panic. I immediately wipe the blood out of my hands and with shaking knees I walked out of the kitchen. My eyes landed on my phone which fell on the floor when Liam grabbed my hair. I immediately picked it up and I saw that Carson is still on the other line. "Aaliyah," I heard him call my name. "Carson I-I, I-I killed s-someone," I uttered stuttering. "Where are you Aaliyah?" he firmly asked and I shook my head even though he can't see me. "I don't know," I uttered in between my sobs. I continued crying while thinking of the crime that I have committed. Carson's POV Hearing Aaliyah's words made my body call. I already called someone to track her location but according to the tracker, the fastest he can't do it is in thirty minutes. I waited and after a while, I received a text that contains Aaliyah's location. I drive as fast as I can and when I arrived at a well-known condominium I immediately walked out of my car. "Sir I am sorry but you can't go in," a woman wearing a formal suit stopped me. I took a deep breath and then took out my phone to dial the number of the owner of this condominium. Working in the business industry gave me a lot of connections so might as well use it. I handed the phone to the staff of the condominium so she can talk to her boss herself. They converse for a few minutes then after a w, hi, le the staff looked at me apologetically. "I am sorry for the inconvenience," she apologetically uttered and I just nod my head. I roam the whole building looking for the room number stated in the address given by the tracker. After a few minutes of walking, I finally saw it. I pressed the doorbell and waited for a few minutes for it to open. Afterungopensn so I immediately get in. "Carson," I heard Aaliyah's sacred voice and when I turned my head on her I saw blood on her hands her white silky dress is torn off and it is stained with red. I immediately removed the jacket that I am wearing and then used it to cover her whole body. "Carson I killed him," he uttered. I looked at her intently and when I saw tears cascading down her face I immediately pulled her into a tight hug. "Carson I killed him," she repeated. I caressed Aaliyah's back as she cry on my shoulder. "I killed him," she repeated for the nth time. "I killed him, Aaliyah," I firmly uttered. I felt her body freeze in place. Aaliyah broke off the hug and looked at me with confusion written on her face. "I killed him, did you hear me? We argued and you weren't here. I will ask someone to pick you up," I firmly uttered then fished my phone out of my wallet to call some of my men.
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