chapter five

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I got into my room and locked the door behind me, my parents had gone to bed already. I started to take off my clothes finally becoming aware of the dampness in my pants. I took a deep breath and headed straight to the bathroom kicking off my shoes on the way. Beauty shone across me from my mirror, I knew I was beautiful, I knew the effect I had on boys, and girls too, but none had that kind of effect on me. I'm not a virgin, not because I liked the boy that f****d me but because I didn't like the Idea of being one, to me, it was a sign of weakness and it showed that i as innocent within. Since that day, no one got through my pants not even me, and this was because I rarely got turned on. Another weird thing is that if I do get turned on, by chance, it was because I was watching gay porn or mere kisses in movies, I would lie if I say I wasn't scared that I was gay. But I knew I wasn't because I have never thought about a girl in that way before, when I tried I only got very irritated. I loosened my hair that was always tied up before and stared at my image before pondering on what I think is happening to me. Why am I wet? No I'm absolutely soaked, not only from grinding on Ander but also because I couldn't stop remembering how he felt on me, how sweet it would have been if I hadn't ran out on him like that. I couldn't stop grinding on him not because I wanted to tease him but because I wanted to feel him more on my ass, and down to the middle of me. It took me few moments to realise that it was Camil I saw on the floor. Talking about Camil, she was so drunk yesterday and I wish I didn't hear a word that she said, because I don't know how to react. She told me she liked me, not as a friend but as lovers. She went on telling me it had been f*****g hard for her to act straight with me, and it hurt her so much that that it's obvious that I'm into Ander. When I dropped her off she hugged me so tight that I was almost out of breath, before she placed a kiss on my cheek. Her brother helped me to get her in before I drove home while silently praying that she would forget everything by tomorrow if not, I'd be lost. I slipped off my panties and dropped the wet thing to the floor, my mind drifting back to Ander. My stomach immediately clenched, I shook my head, trying to let go of his thoughts. "God!" People don't do this me, I do it to them. I wondered what he was doing right now, was he as frustrated I am or he got it all covered. I got into the bathtub and laid down, tilting my head backward, all in am attempt to calm myself. Few minutes later I was thinking of how to avoid the innocent guy. ~*****************************~ I got into the class the next day and saw Ander sitting where he normally sits, beside me. His head immediately snapped up as if he could feel my presence, I felt a little too guilty when he smiled at me and I didn't return the gesture. I swallowed hard before taking a sit, leaving my normal sit empty. I couldn't help the thrill of guilt that kept on arousing in me when he muttered something, with pure confusion written all over his face. I picked my bottled water from my bag and gulped through, all the while avoiding his gaze. My eyes looked everywhere except him, personally, I don't know why I am doing this but i think it's necessary. I turned away to my left when I heard a chair being pulled to my side, "hey pretty face" I realized that I didn't know much people from my own class. Normal me would be rude, but today, I didn't just have the energy. "Hey, how are you" I said smiling. "I'm Aaron" he sat down in a way that he was now facing me. I wondered what gave him the idea to speak to me, apart from the fact that he is handsome, but absolutely not more than Ander. I nodded my head, why do I keep comparing other boys with Ander. "I'm Bella" I gave him the warmest smile I could. From the corners of my eye, I could see Ander staring at us, like he would walk up to us and destroy the little chat we were having. I tried my best to act like I didn't notice though. "Yea I know, but it's clear you don't know me. I have been seeing alot in this class. But today you've got your hair down" he looked at my hair again as if he was just seeing it. Woah.. I've got a stalker. True, I had never left my hair down since I got into Curtis high. Somehow it pleases me how someone can be so attentive to little things. "You've got your eyes on me a lot, yea?" I asked laughing. "Don't blame me pretty, you are just too hard to miss" he said with much sincerity in his eyes, as if trying to show me the intensity of his words. "I'm flattered, really" I played with my toes, trying to keep in control. However, Aaron did something that I wasn't expecting him to do, he took my hand and smelt it, savoring me before kissing it. Before I could say or do anything, Ander stood up and harshly pushed the chair he was sitting on before stumping out. f**k, I wouldn't love to flatter myself that all that drama was for me, but I couldn't think of any other reason for him to behave like that. other students looked at him too, wondering i bet, just like me. Did he think I'm flirting with this guy the way I did with him? Maybe he thinks I like him and shouldn't talk to someone else, that would be dumb though. But either ways I can't help but feel like I should run after him. "Are you still on earth?" Aaron waved his hand in front of my face, trying to bring me back to reality. "Yea, umm I was was... My went somewhere, was thinking about something. What were you saying" "I was saying that if only I could say I wanted you to be my girl straight up, I would have, but considering it would scare you away, I'm now saying we should be friends" "You really mastered this thing didn't you," I said laughing, "with that any girl can be swept off her feet, but, I will go through with the friends level" He looked hurt for a second, and smiled the next, "you will fall" "I bet I will" The teacher got into the class and lock the door before the class began. The only thing that was on my mind the whole time was where Ander ran off to. The bell rang and I hurriedly picked my bag and walked out, I think I went out even before the teacher did. This was my free time so I knew that I had time to myself before the next class begins. So I went to the locker room and picked my books before going out, I went to a quiet place behind the School and plucked my earpiece on, played a song and closed my eyes. I let out a sigh, realising that I haven't done that for a long time. My heart beat slowed, I was feeling so bad and I knew I shouldn't have done what I did, I do that a lot, I lead people on and change my mind whenever I want, I'm not saying he likes me but he said he does, not in that way of course but it's still a 'like'. Now that is not the only thing bothering me, infact the others are the least, what has been eating me up is the fact that I care, I never do, like literally never. Not even once in the seventeen years of my life. My phone vibrated and I checked to see what it was, it was a text from Ander, I stared at my phone as I read it over again, it read;             why did you do that? If I said I felt guilty that should be an understatement, because right now I could feel how hot the air I was breathing out was as it brushed the space between my nose any mouth. And like a fool I typed; goodmorning, how are you. well I don't know what you are talking about. I waited not up to a minute before my phone vibrated again;                                        okay. Okay??!! He simply said okay. No maybe he was still typing something else. I waited, for a minute, then another, then another. Nothing came up. Cool Ander, cool. In that minute I forgot that I was avoiding Camil, I stood up and pushed my phone into my pocket after removing my earpiece. I actually don't know where she is, but I decided to check her in her class, while forgetting that I was avoiding her because of what happened the other day. I found her on a sit at the back talking and laughing with a girl with shiny black hair and big t**s, immediately she saw me, her laugher seized, it was then it occurred on me that she probably remembered everything she said from last night. I don't know why I began moving but all I wanted to do was to leave there, instead my legs moved me to where she was. "hi camil" I said with a very sweet but tight smile. "Hi" she said mildly and turn back to her busty friend. what the hell is actually happening today?
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