
Dear departed Delilah


It is right after the death of the beloved princess Delilah that peculiar things begin to happen. There are doors opening and closing in the palace. Food goes missing and nobody among the staff has figured anything out. Nobody understands these strange occurrences but there is hardly any time to think about it thoroughly when the King’s new wife won’t allow anybody to rest. The first Queen had passed on bringing Delilah into this world and the King had been pressured to finally find a new wife. It doesn’t take long for this new Queen to show her thorns.

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Clementine's enlightenment
     Royalty isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. At least that is what I have observed so far. I, myself, am nothing more than a lowly maid so I guess it isn’t exactly my right to say, but I have seen how grueling it is. Especially after King Estoros took this new woman to be his bride a year ago. My poor Delilah has had to suffer from verbal abuse from the new ‘Queen’. All because she was the daughter from the Kings first wife whom had died in childbirth.      Unfortunately...two weeks ago...Lady Delilah never made it back from the forest with the Queen. The child I had spent most of my life help raise...was killed by wild animals because the two of them took a stroll without their guards. Well technically Delilah was fourteen years old and no longer a child, but since I was only seven years old when she was born I will always see her as such.      Now that I'm actually sitting here thinking about it...it should have been that wretched woman who perished! All that so called ‘Queen’ has ever done was cause pain. Delilah always used to smile before that witch showed up!     “--tine! Clementine Rose Snow! I swear on everything holy if I have to say your name one more time…” the roaring voice of the head maid Suzanna burst through my muddled thoughts and my body jolted into a standing position. Now that she knows my full attention was hers, Suzanna crossed her arms over her well developed chest. “Clementine, you mustn’t spend your time lazing about like this! Her Highness, Queen Annabelle will surely have you punished. We all miss the radiant smile of Late-Lady-Delilah, but seriously you must go do your chores. First you must do his Highness’ laundry before…” although miss Suzanna continued on to list off a hole sleeve length of chores that I couldn’t focus on.      Of course I got the gist of what has been said and I nodded at the appropriate times before smiling when she was done rambling them off. “Yes, I will have those all done right away miss Suzanna. I apologize for my lack of focus before.” I bid farewell while hightailing it out of the room. The sooner I got things done, the sooner I could bring a freshly cut bouquet of flowers to Lady Delilah’s stone. ***********************************************************     Washing the Kings laundry, cleaning the windows, washing the floors, preparing the vegetables for dinner, and everything else I was instructed to do took far longer than I had wanted. Nobody called my name nor had I been given any further orders so I took this time to fetch the most dazzling bouquet of pink pansies. I took these beautiful flowers all the way past the courtyard, and directly to the Princess’ grave. Such a sorrowful sight is one I never should have had to see.     As I set down these ravishing flowers upon the stone I could feel an undeniable tightness squeezing at my  chest. In my time I have been beaten and ridiculed by the nobleman who come and go but dare I say that this is the greatest pain I have ever endured. This girl could brighten a room with nothing but her charming smile. The way her soft laugh would echo throughout the entire castle could raise all spirits. Even the softest sobs that she would cry out in her darkest hours, all of it...all of her. Delilah will be missed. Delilah will never...smile again...never laugh again...nor would she meet her first love. The distress in my very heart caused my vision to blur. It took a few seconds to actually realize that there now laid wetness beneath my eyes. Tears? How could there be tears?      All of this weight on my shoulders leaves me disheveled. My legs no longer capable of holding my weight finally collapse beneath me. “Lady Delilah! I should have been with you...I should have taken your place…”      “Miss Clementine, please don’t cry. Miss Clementine, I am right here. I-”      This soft voice hits my ear as if it were a mere whisper. My brain can’t even process any of it as those words get cut short by my own. “Lady Delilah how many times must I tell you not to call me ‘mi-” my breath gets cut short as my body whips around to see this old, tattered  teddy bear in the dirt.      Before I am even aware of it, I am storming towards all of the other staff with my right hand squeezing the teddy bear. At this point my blood is boiling and I am just ready to pop as I slammed into the door to the kitchen where all of the workers were preparing for dinner. My breathing was so heavy that everyone in the room could hear it and each and every one of them froze in place. “I swear to the seven heavens...I will tear apart whoever thought that it was a good idea to take Lady Delilah’s bear out of her room and leave it out on the dirt path! I made sure that it resided in her room after she passed! I will not forgive you...whoever did this...I will figure it out!”      The sound of soft murmurs filled the room. Everybody knew how defensive Clementine got whenever somebody even got too close to the door. For somebody to actually go in and take out the Late-Princess’ belongings and throw it in the dirt? Someone has a death wish!     “Did you go near her room recently?” “Who could have done it?” “Disrespecting lady Delilah?” Everybody was whispering and trying to figure out who had gone passed the room lately. None of it adding up until things seemed to switch course. “There have actually been a lot of things getting lost or moved recently,” one woman spoke up before another chimed in. “Yeah, and a lot of room doors are being left open but nobody seems to know why.”     Nothing is making any sense anymore. What the hell is happening?      “Give it back. Everybody is ignoring me Miss- I mean Clementine. I at least want my doll back. Even if everyone hates me.” There it is again. It sounds exactly like Lady Delilah! The soft voice sounds as if it’s coming from just outside the door.      “De...lilah…?” I can’t stop myself from following that soft voice. Quietly I step outside the kitchen door. Hands trembling. Breath accelerating. I close the opening behind me and as I do, I can hear this soft sob. It sounds so familiar. My body moves on its own, instinctively following after it.     At the end of the dim hallway stands a young girl wearing a frilly white nightgown. Her hair is a chestnut brown and her eyes a tantalizing teal. Her pale arms outstretched for the bear she desired. "Clementine, please return him to me. I woke from a nightmare and nobody else will listen. He is all I need."      "A dream...? You had a bad dream...? I am sorry Lady Delilah...but how in the heavens are yo-" I can no longer use my voice when I realize the horrific truth. If any of this is actually real...then does that mean that Lady Delilah does not yet realize her fate? The very fact that she is no longer alive?     Finally when I didn't move or say anything else to the Princess in response, she decided to make her way to me. It was then that I actually noticed that the girls feet weren't touching the ground. Of course they were moving as if she were taking each and every step normally. It makes no sense for all of this to happen, is my brain fried? Am I losing sanity over the loss of Lady Delilah? Well I suppose that is quite plausible.      It isn't until I feel a slight tug to the stuffed animal in my hand that I realize how close she had gotten. My eyes widen. That soft smile that I have been missing for so long was suddenly shining brighter than a million suns. Instinctively my arms reach out to grasp hold of this darling girl. To my surprise I can actually feel her skin. Smell the fragrance from her hair. Her small body is ice cold but when I tip my head to see this glorious child, I can see that there are tears rolling down her pale cheeks. Before I can ask what's the matter I can feel her soft, icy hands touch my cheeks.     "Clementine...I really missed you. I was so scared all on my own! Everybody was acting like I didn't even exist! Even father wouldn't talk to me! He looked so sad but I couldn't help him no matter how hard I tried!"  Her words stung because I knew the reason behind all of it.      Then when her eyes closed, it was unlike anything I have ever experienced in all of my twenty-one years of life. I was seeing what seemed like flashbacks. Small glimpses of something I don't really understand. I could...see myself as a child. This was me being carried by myself...? No, this wasn't from my perspective. Delilah? Am I seeing what Delilah saw? Then it came in a flush of many different things. Many important parts of her young life, me protecting her from people who have tried to harm or trick her...then it started turning into something else entirely. All of the sad things she had been through. Her father remarrying and the abuse she received from Annabelle. That woman will never be my Queen. Sure she may be pregnant with the King's child but she is in no way the Queen.      Then something unexpected appeared among the flashes, this time it started to slow down and actually allowed this vision to play. ***************************{Delilah's vision/perspective}****************************      Green trees, Clear blue skies, chirping bird. Everything was so beautiful, so precious. Miss Clementine would absolutely love to see this! My hand brushes against one of the tallest trees as I looked up at the amazing height of it. I am so consumed in the beauty of nature that I nearly forget my step-mother is even there. At least until she clears her throat to remind me that I am in her presence.      "You wretched child. You are nothing but a bastard now. This child in my womb will be the true heir of the King! Not someone as lowly as you, girl. Never forget your place." Cruella here made sure that I heard every consonant and vowel that came through that cold mouth of hers. My heart clenched and I must have made a pained expression because she laughed! Only she could ever possibly find amusement in my suffering. MY mother was the QUEEN first! She was loved by everybody! This woman acts like everything good will happen to her.     "NO I AM NOT A BASTARD! THE ONLY BASTARD HERE IS YOU!" My fist is clenched so tightly that my knuckles start to turn white and I can feel my nails digging into my palm but I can't bring myself to let go.She could badmouth me however much she wants but my mother is a different story. My entire body is trembling so bad that I feel like I can't calm down. I know that I will get beat if I say any more but I just couldn't keep my mouth shut, "MY FATHER ALREADY PROMISED ME! AS THE FIRST BORN CHILD, I WILL BE THE ONE RECEIVING THE CROWN! YOUR CHILD WILL NEVER TAKE MY PLACE!"     Surely I had done it this time. I could see that fair skin suddenly burn to a dark red. Practically steaming with rage. Even though she was so rounded with her pregnancy she definitely hadn't lost any of her strength from before conceiving. My heart was racing as I felt her hand grab my arm so tightly that it felt as if it was losing circulation. It hurt. It hurts. Hurts! "YOU ARE THE BASTARD THAT NOBODY WANTED! I DON'T CARE WHO THE f**k YOUR MOTHER WAS! SHE IS DEAD ANYWAYS! YOU AND YOUR BIG ASS HEAD KILLED HER! IT IS MT BABY THAT WILL TAKE THE THRONE! MY BABY IS SPECIAL AND YOU ARE JUST A WASTE OF SPACE!"      Every single word she said made it feel it took a little bit of my breath away. I know that my birth is what killed my mother but how could she stoop so low as to say she didn't care who my mama was?! Any monster coming from Annabelle would never take my place. I didn't know how truly pissed that woman was until she grabbed a handful of my hair. pushing my away then tugging me back by the hair until I lose my footing and fall to the ground. The shock hit me  so hard that I can't even express how terrified I became.     "This is all on you, you fool. I don't know how long you would stay shut up after all of this so you can't blame me for any of this." Every word spat through that monsters mouth brought more terror. Her hands both clasped her hair before tugging and dragging this small fourteen year old girl on the ground. it felt like hours that I had been dragged on this rugged path, my clothes tearing by rocks and twigs that snare it. in reality had only been about five minutes, which is quite long for a heavily pregnant woman.      "C-Clementine! Clementine! Dear god...Clementine please! Clementine...save Me!" My voice breaks as I scream and kick, trying to pull myself out of her grasp. It was no use but I couldn't stop because if I did...she would definitely kill me!     Annabelle's cold hand clasps onto my chin as she pulled my face towards hers, it brought me to my feet so I thought maybe...just maybe she would let me go. "Go meet your bastard mother." Were her final words before she pushed me back and I stumbled a few steps before I realized that there was no longer anything stable enough to support my weight.      "CLEMENTINE!" My body finally tips and I can feel the air rushing behind me until my back landed dead center onto a sharp boulder. My body's momentum continued to bring me down the hill until I finally hit this tree that completely knocked the wind right out of my lungs. Pain. So much pain. Everything hurts. My legs...I can't even feel them anymore. My stomach? It feels like it's on fire. My head feels fuzzy. Staying conscious is so difficult...     As if my blood was a gigantic sign to say that I am a easy pray, I can hear the sound of animal feet closing in around me. Low growls surround me before I feel the last most excruciating thing of my life. A bite. Then another...so much...pain. "C...lem..." then, Darkness. Nothingness. ***********************{Present time. Clementine's perspective}******************************     Once there was nothing but pitch black from seeing the end of my beloved Delilah, I found myself already collapsed to my knees with nothing to help me grasp what it was that had just happened. Delilah's last words....were her crying out for my help...? Crying for me to save her? In the most terrifying moment of her life...the LAST moment of her life, I couldn't save her?     "Lady Delilah...those memories....Delilah!" My hands are squeezing hers so tightly that I just cannot bring myself to let go. That nightmare she was talking about, was her death? How is it that she's here right now? How can I feel her? None of this is making any sense here.      "So, you're saying that those are all memories? Does that mean that....all of that pain...really happened?" This time she was no longer crying. It finally sunk in that this is her after death. The guilt I felt for being incompetent was painfully obvious to Delilah. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault Miss Clementine."     My voice can no longer form the words that they want to, all that comes out is meaningless gibberish. My head starts pounding in pulses. This type of pain is something that I have never felt before. Migraines are different from this, they've never gotten this bad before. It was sudden, like I couldn't hold myself up anymore...no that's not right . It was more like I just couldn't keep myself conscious. My entire body giving way before I find myself created by the cold floor. _________________________________________________________________     By the time I came to, I was sitting in my own bed with many anxious people swarming around me. What took me by surprise was that in a chair right beside my bed sat the King HIMSELF! What could I have possibly done for him to be here in person? Did I just blackout and do something so terrible that he had to make sure that I was awake and alive so that he could punish me?      Apparently my fretful stirring caused him to wake up because his eyes opened so suddenly that it made me jolt. "Thank the heavens. Clementine, I can't be losing you too. You were always right there in all of my memories of little Delilah. Her memory resides in you." Oh man, just how right he is. All of her memories now sown into her mind. That witch is going to pay.  It doesn't matter what that woman will ever say or do, she murdered Princess Delilah! The brightest girl had been snuffed out by a grimy w***e that only seeks power.  "No sir, you are too modest. I could never amount something as great as bearing her memory. Your highness definitely represents her memories the best." My words sound sincere and that is good enough for me. I very well cannot upset the King himself, and I also need to confront that wicked woman. Just as the King opened his mouth to say something, I watched as he suddenly shut it once more.      Their awkward silence was sliced in half by the sound of somebody giving a gentle knock to the door, all of the other maids and butlers rushed to open it. Once the door had opened, a tall man with broad shoulders and the physique of a bear stepped in.all of the other staff scurried out when they realized that this man was here to visit the King, and not me.      "Lord Gabriel. I am glad you could make it. Please, take a seat." King Estoros spoke with confidence and suddenly I felt as if I were intruding but neither seemed to mind me sitting here. In my bed. just...what's going on here...?

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