
1248 Words

Sawyer was about to hang up on Francesca when she spoke again. “You’re still angry at me.” He was still deeply hurt by everything she had done, but he didn’t want the last thing he said to her to be something he would later regret. “I know that you thought you were doing the right thing. You have always done what you think is the right thing, and I have always admired you for that; this just happens to be the first time you’ve ever done anything that I think was misguided. You wanted to take over from me, and you took advantage of my personal trauma to get what you have always felt is yours because you were blinded by that. You were needlessly cruel to me, and to Elizabeth, and to Selene. So, yes, I am still angry at you.” “I know it isn’t worth much, but I am sorry that I can’t be mor

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