
2044 Words

“Nothing stopping us…” Elizabeth trailed off as if she was deep in thought, and Sawyer was worried that he had said the wrong thing again. “Unless that isn’t what you want, obviously. I just assumed it was…” he stopped in the middle of the sentence, and she knew that she had been unable to keep her thoughts private. “You know that I didn’t cheat on you, right?” “I know that cheating isn’t really a concept to your kind.” “You think I’m lying.” “No, I…” “…that wasn’t a question. You think I am lying.” He nudged her off his lap onto the bed beside him. “I can’t help it, after what happened with Elle I’ve been worried that I am not enough for you anymore. Plus the fact that pretty much every relationship I have ever been in has ended up with the other person cheating on me.” He ran hi

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