
1510 Words

“Do you plan on making that bed your new home, Nathan?” He hadn’t expected Francesca to acknowledge him, and he really wished that she hadn’t. He had only left the tiny nook to get the drinks he was holding, and he didn’t think that the atmosphere would be pleasant if they had to spend too much time together at the moment. She was sat at the spot she had claimed as her own at the table, and she had been staring out of the window until she addressed him. “I’m really not in the mood, OK? You’re only going to make me angry and this was supposed to be a fresh start for all of us. I don’t want things to go back to the way they were before.” “And hiding yourself away with Elizabeth isn’t the same as before?” “She’s got jet lag, she feels like crap.” “Jet lag? Seriously?” There was no emot

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