
2110 Words

Elizabeth was still staring at the tattoo across Sawyer’s abdomen, and he found it amusing that she seemed so shocked by it. “You never mentioned wanting to get a tattoo before.” “I didn’t want one before.” “It’s…” Her eyes were still firmly fixed on the tattoo as if she had forgotten that she was in the middle of showering when he took his shirt off and revealed it. “You don’t like it?” He traced his fingers over it again and it made her blush. She did like it; actually, she more than liked it, she thought it looked extremely hot. She was just surprised by it. “It’s nice.” He was still wearing his sweatpants, which were loose enough that they were slung low on his hips and took no effort at all to remove. Elizabeth was still too distracted by the tattoo to be phased by that, and

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